
Learn how to implement Endor Labs in C and C++ repositories.

C and C++ are powerful, high-performance programming languages widely used for system programming, application development, and embedded systems. Endor Labs supports scanning and monitoring of C and C++ projects.

Using Endor Labs, developers can:

  • Test their software for potential issues and violations of organizational policy
  • Prioritize vulnerabilities in the context of their applications
  • Understand the relationships between software components in their applications

Run a scan

To scan your C and C++ repositories, run the following command.

endorctl scan --languages=c

Use the following flags to save the local results to a results.json file. The results and related analysis information are available on the Endor Labs user interface.

endorctl scan --languages=c -o json | tee /path/to/results.json

View scan results

You can sign in to the Endor Labs user interface, click the Projects on the left sidebar, and find your project to review its results.

View scan results

Understand the scan process

Endor Labs detects vulnerabilities by testing your code against its proprietary database, which is regularly updated. Endor Labs does not build your code, so all dependencies and vendor code must be included within the source. If the build process pulls in additional packages, they must also be present in the scanned directory.

Endor Labs analyzes source code using a combination of code signatures and embeddings. The system extracts source code from various data sources and applies language-specific segmentation to break the code into functions and segments. This method facilitates efficient similarity searches, helping to detect duplicated code across repositories and supporting comprehensive software composition analysis.

By comparing file hashes, segment hashes, and embeddings, Endor Labs can query data to identify matches with code segments. This capability streamlines the detection of copied code and the dependency relationships between repositories, providing insights into code components from various sources, including Git repositories, online archives, and other package distributions. Headers and code files are scanned regardless of their file extension.

To optimize performance, Endor Labs caches embeddings and signatures, making subsequent scans faster than the first scan. This means only newly added or modified files require computation, significantly reducing scan times.

Opt out of code snippet submission

Code snippets are sent to a dedicated Azure OpenAI deployment to generate embeddings.

To disable this feature, set ENDOR_SCAN_EMBEDDINGS to false and then run the scan.



Scanning binary library files such as .so and .a files is not supported.