Use cases

Examples of common use cases for interacting with the Endor Labs REST API.

Get list of projects

endorctl api list --resource Project
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/projects"
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/projects HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Get project UUID

The project UUID connects all the objects for a given project. One way to get the project UUID is to extract it from the uuid field in the Project object. For more information, see Resource kinds.

endorctl api get --resource Project --name <project-name> | jq '.uuid'
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/projects?<project-name>" \
  | jq '.list.objects[].uuid'
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/projects?<project-name> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Get list of findings for a project

Use the following filter to get a list of findings for a given project:


endorctl api list --resource Finding --filter "spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid>"
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid>" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings?list_parameters.filter=spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Get list of findings for reachable functions

Use the following filter to get a list of findings for reachable functions:

spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION

For a list of all finding attributes, see Finding tags.

endorctl api list --resource Finding \
  --filter "spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION"
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings?list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Get list of findings for reachable functions for a project

Combine the previous filters to get a list of findings for reachable functions for a given project:

spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid> and spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION

endorctl api list --resource Finding \
  --filter "spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid> and spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION"
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid> and spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings?list_parameters.filter=spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid> and spec.finding_tags contains FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Get list of findings in a category

Use the following filter to get a list of findings in the RSPM category:

spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_SCPM

For a list of all finding categories, see Finding categories.

endorctl api list --resource Finding \
  --filter "spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_SCPM"
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_SCPM" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings?list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_SCPM HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Get Endor Labs scores for an OSS package

  1. Set the namespace to "oss" as the data for OSS packages are stored in the OSS tenant.

  2. Endor Labs scores for package versions are stored in the "package_version_scorecard" Metric object, in the spec.metric_values.scorecard.score_card.category_scores field, so you need to get this Metric object for the given OSS package. For more information, see the Metric resource kind documentation.

  3. To get Metric objects belonging to a given package version, get the UUID of the corresponding PackageVersion object. The PackageVersion object name must be in the format <ecosystem>://<name>@<version>, for example: "mvn://ch.qos.logback:logback-core@1.3.3". For more information, see the PackageVersion resource kind documentation. Once you have the PackageVersion object, use the following jq command to extract the UUID:

    jq '.list.object[].uuid'

  4. Get the Metric object corresponding to the PackageVersion UUID using the following two filters:

    2. meta.parent_uuid==<package-version-uuid>
  5. Use the following jq command to extract just the Endor Labs scores from the Metric object:

    jq '.list.objects[].spec.metric_values.scorecard.score_card.category_scores'

# Get the PackageVersion and extract the uuid
UUID=$(endorctl api list \
  --namespace oss \
  --resource PackageVersion \
  --filter "" \
  | jq '.list.objects[].uuid')

# Get the Metric and extract the Endor Labs scores
endorctl api list \
  --namespace oss \
  --resource Metric \
  --filter " and meta.parent_uuid==$UUID" \
  | jq '.list.objects[].spec.metric_values.scorecard.score_card.category_scores'
# Get the PackageVersion and extract the uuid
UUID=$(curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "" \ \
  | jq '.list.objects[].uuid')

# Get the Metric and extract the Endor Labs scores
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode " and meta.parent_uuid==$UUID" \ \
  | jq '.list.objects[].spec.metric_values.scorecard.score_card.category_scores'
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/oss/package-versions? HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/oss/metrics? and meta.parent_uuid==<package-version-uuid> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Below is an example response to the request.

    "category": "SCORE_CATEGORY_ACTIVITY",
    "centered_score": 6.956522,
    "description": "Captures the level of activity associated with the repository. Activity information is based on GitHub metadata. Higher levels of activity can mean that the repository is well maintained and will continue to be in the future.",
    "raw_score": 7.0212765,
    "score": 7
    "centered_score": 8.076923,
    "description": "Captures how popular is the repository. Popularity information is based on GitHub metadata. Popular repositories are more likely to be maintained.",
    "raw_score": 7.368421,
    "score": 9
    "centered_score": 4.2105265,
    "description": "Provides a view of code quality and adherence to best practices in a repository. This information is based on from both GitHub metadata  and the source code in the repository.",
    "raw_score": 4.848485,
    "score": 4
    "category": "SCORE_CATEGORY_SECURITY",
    "centered_score": 4.7297297,
    "description": "Captures the level of compliance with security best practices as well as vulnerability information for the repository including currently open as well as fixed vulnerabilities.  Analysis only considers vulnerabilities associated with this repository and not its dependencies. Vulnerability information is based on data and Endor's vulnerability database",
    "raw_score": 8.333333,
    "score": 4

Get license text from a license finding

  1. Look up a license-related Finding object for a dependency using the following filter:

    spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_LICENSE_RISK] and spec.finding_tags not contains [FINDING_TAGS_SELF]

  2. Get the name of the corresponding PackageVersion object from the spec.target_dependency_package_name field. If we have a list of Finding objects, we can use the following jq command to get the PackageVersion name:

    jq '.list.objects[].spec.target_dependency_package_name'

  3. Look up the PackageVersion object and store the UUID.

    Note: If this is an OSS dependency we must use the “oss” namespace.

  4. Look up the corresponding pkg_version_info_for_license Metric object using the following filter:$UUID

    Note: The Metric is in the same namespace as the PackageVersion.

  5. Use the following jq command to extract the license text from the Metric object:

    jq '.list.objects[].spec.metric_values.licenseInfoType.license_info.all_licenses[].matched_text'

For more information, see the Metric resource kind documentation.

# Get the target dependency PackageVersion name from a license-related finding
NAME=$(endorctl api list --resource Finding \
  --filter "spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_LICENSE_RISK] and spec.finding_tags not contains [FINDING_TAGS_SELF]" \
  --page-size 1 \
  | jq '.list.objects[].spec.target_dependency_package_name')

# Get the target dependency PackageVersion uuid
UUID=$(endorctl api list --resource PackageVersion \
  --namespace oss \
  --filter "$NAME" \
  | jq '.list.objects[].uuid')

# Get the corresponding pkg_version_info_for_license Metric and extract the license text
endorctl api list --resource Metric \
  --namespace "oss" \
  --filter " and meta.parent_uuid==$UUID" \
  | jq '.list.objects[].spec.metric_values.licenseInfoType.license_info.all_licenses[].matched_text'
# Get the target dependency PackageVersion name from a license-related finding
NAME=$(curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_LICENSE_RISK] and spec.finding_tags not contains [FINDING_TAGS_SELF]" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.page_size=1" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings \
  | jq '.list.objects[].spec.target_dependency_package_name')

# Get the target dependency PackageVersion uuid
UUID=$(curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode "$NAME" \ \
  | jq '.list.objects[].uuid')

# Get the corresponding pkg_version_info_for_license Metric and extract the license text
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode " and meta.parent_uuid==$UUID" \ \
  | jq '.list.objects[].spec.metric_values.licenseInfoType.license_info.all_licenses[].matched_text'

Get list of projects using a given tool

  1. CI/CD tool metrics are stored in the version_cicd_tools Metric object, in the list. Use the following filter to get all such Metrics with entries for the given tool name (GitHub Actions in this example). For more information, see the Metric resource kind documentation. and'GitHub Actions'

  2. Use the following jq command to get the uuids of the corresponding Project objects:


  3. Remove duplicate Project uuids (a Project can have multiple repository versions).

  4. Use the uuids to get the corresponding Project objects.

# Get list of Project uuids
PROJECT_UUIDS=$(endorctl api list --resource Metric \
  --filter " and'GitHub Actions'" \
  | jq -r '.list.objects[].spec.project_uuid')

# Remove duplicate uuids
UNIQUE_UUIDS=$(echo $PROJECT_UUIDS | sort | uniq)

# Get Project for each uuid and extract the name
for uuid in $UNIQUE_UUIDS
  endorctl api get --resource Project --uuid $uuid | jq ''
# Get list of Project uuids
PROJECT_UUIDS=$(curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --data-urlencode " and'GitHub Actions'" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/metrics \
  | jq -r '.list.objects[].spec.project_uuid')

# Remove duplicate uuids
UNIQUE_UUIDS=$(echo $PROJECT_UUIDS | sort | uniq)

# Get Project for each uuid and extract the name
for uuid in $UNIQUE_UUIDS
  curl --get \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
    --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
    --url$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/projects/$uuid \
    | jq ''

See also List Projects, with Repository Versions and CI/CD Tool Metrics for an example of how to use the Query Service to get the CI/CD tool Metric objects for a list of projects.

Get the latest scan result

  1. To get the latest object, first sort the objects in descending order, based on the meta.create_time field:


  2. Then, to get only the latest object, set the page size to 1:


endorctl api list --resource ScanResult \
  --sort-order descending \
  --sort-path meta.create_time \
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/scan-results?list_parameters.sort.order=SORT_ENTRY_ORDER_DESC&list_parameters.sort.path=meta.create_time&list_parameters.page_size=1"
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/scan-results?list_parameters.sort.order=SORT_ENTRY_ORDER_DESC&list_parameters.sort.path=meta.create_time&list_parameters.page_size=1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Create a policy

The following example uses the Create Policy endpoint to create a new policy.

endorctl api create --resource Policy \
  --data '{
    "meta": {
      "description": "Disable action policies for CVE-2020-7677",
      "kind": "Policy",
      "name": "Ignore CVE-2020-7677"
    "propagate": true,
    "spec": {
      "exception": {
      "policy_type": "POLICY_TYPE_EXCEPTION",
      "query_statements": [
      "resource_kinds": [
      "rule": "package exceptions\n\nmatch_finding[result] {\n\tsome i\n  data.resources.Finding[i].spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.spec.aliases[_] = \"CVE-2020-7677\"\n  result = { \"Endor\" : { \"Finding\" : data.resources.Finding[i].uuid } }\n}"
    "tenant_meta": {
      "namespace": "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE"

Note: See also endorctl api create interactive mode.

curl --request POST \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/policies" \
  --data '{
    "meta": {
      "description": "Disable action policies for CVE-2020-7677",
      "kind": "Policy",
      "name": "Ignore CVE-2020-7677"
    "propagate": true,
    "spec": {
      "exception": {
      "policy_type": "POLICY_TYPE_EXCEPTION",
      "query_statements": [
      "resource_kinds": [
      "rule": "package exceptions\n\nmatch_finding[result] {\n\tsome i\n  data.resources.Finding[i].spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.spec.aliases[_] = \"CVE-2020-7677\"\n  result = { \"Endor\" : { \"Finding\" : data.resources.Finding[i].uuid } }\n}"
    "tenant_meta": {
      "namespace": "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE"
  }' | jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/policies HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

    "meta": {
        "name": "Detect Apache-2.0 License",
        "description": "Raise findings for dependencies using the Apache-2.0 license"
    "spec": {
        "policy_type": "POLICY_TYPE_USER_FINDING",
        "finding_level": "FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL",
        "finding": {
            "explanation": "One or more of the licenses associated with this package or package dependency violates organizational license policy.",
            "external_name": "License Compliance Violation",
            "level": "FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL",
            "remediation": "Please consult with legal for further instructions or to request an exception.",
            "summary": "Package uses the \"Apache-2.0\" license."
        "query_statements": [
        "resource_kinds": [
        "rule": "package license\n\nmatch_license[result] {\n  some i\n  data.resources.Metric[i]\n  data.resources.Metric[i] == \"pkg_version_info_for_license\"\n  data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_kind == \"PackageVersion\"\n  lower(data.resources.Metric[i].spec.metric_values.licenseInfoType.license_info.all_licenses[_].name) == lower(\"Apache-2.0\")\n  data.resources.PackageVersion[_].uuid == data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_uuid\n\n  result = {\n    \"Endor\": {\n      \"PackageVersion\": data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_uuid,\n    }\n  }\n}"
    "tenant_meta": {
      "namespace": "{{namespace}}"

Update a policy to include a given project

The following example uses the Update Policy endpoint to apply a policy to a given project by updating the spec.project_selector tag list.

endorctl api update --resource Policy --uuid <policy-uuid> \
  --field-mask "spec.project_selector" \
  --data '{ "spec" : { "project_selector" : [ "$uuid=<project-uuid>" ] } }'

Note: See also endorctl api update interactive mode.

curl --request PATCH \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/policies" \
  --data '{
    "request" : {
      "update_mask": "spec.project_selector"
    "object" : {
      "uuid" : "<policy-uuid>",
      "spec" : {
        "project_selector": [
  }' | jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/policies HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

    "request" : {
      "update_mask": "spec.project_selector"
    "object" : {
      "uuid" : "<policy-uuid>",
      "spec" : {
        "project_selector": [

Update a policy to exclude a given project

The following example uses the Update Policy endpoint to exclude a given project from a policy by updating the spec.project_exceptions tag list.

endorctl api update --resource Policy --uuid <policy-uuid> \
  --field-mask "spec.project_exceptions" \
  --data '{ "spec" : { "project_exceptions" : [ "$uuid=<project-uuid>" ] } }'

Note: See also endorctl api update interactive mode.

curl --request PATCH \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/policies" \
  --data '{
    "request" : {
      "update_mask": "spec.project_exceptions"
    "object" : {
      "uuid" : "<policy-uuid>",
      "spec" : {
        "project_exceptions": [
  }' | jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/policies HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

    "request" : {
      "update_mask": "spec.project_exceptions"
    "object" : {
      "uuid" : "<policy-uuid>",
      "spec" : {
        "project_exceptions": [

Delete a policy

The following example uses the Delete Policy endpoint to delete a policy.

endorctl api delete --resource Policy --uuid <policy-uuid>
curl --request DELETE \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/policies/<policy-uuid>"
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/policies/<policy-uuid> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Add meta tags to an object

The following example uses the Update Finding endpoint to add custom tags to a finding by updating the meta.tags field.

endorctl api update --resource Finding --uuid <finding-uuid> \
  --field-mask "meta.tags" \
  --data '{ "meta" : { "tags" : [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" ] } }'

Note: See also endorctl api update interactive mode.

curl --request PATCH \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings" \
  --data '{
    "request" : {
      "update_mask": "meta.tags"
    "object" : {
      "uuid" : "<finding-uuid>",
      "meta" : {
        "tags": [
  }' | jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

PATCH {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

    "request" : {
      "update_mask": "meta.tags"
    "object" : {
      "uuid" : "<finding-uuid>",
      "meta" : {
        "tags": [

Get data from child namespaces

Use the traverse option to include data from child namespaces as well as the parent namespace.

endorctl api list --resource Project --traverse
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd" \
  --url "$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/projects?list_parameters.traverse=true"
@baseUrl =
@token = <endor-token>
@namespace = <endor-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/projects?list_parameters.traverse=true HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}