
Use the sbom export command to export an SBOM for a software package from Endor Labs.

The sbom export command allows you to export an SBOM for a specified package from Endor Labs.


To export an SBOM for a specified package version named “go://github.com/Dreamacro/clash@main” in Endor Labs.

endorctl sbom export --package-version-name=go://github.com/Dreamacro/clash@main

To export an SBOM for a specified package version given its UUID with the UUID of “653c625cd44ec559e19349dc” to a file called “sbom.json”

endorctl sbom export --package-version-uuid=653c625cd44ec559e19349dc >> sbom.json


Flag Environment Variable Description
component-type ENDOR_SBOM_COMPONENT_TYPE Set the SBOM component type (application, or library). (default application)
output-format ENDOR_SBOM_OUTPUT_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (json, or xml) (default json).
package-version-name ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_NAME Name of the package version to create an SBOM for.
package-version-uuid ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUID UUID of the package version to create an SBOM for.
timeout ENDOR_SBOM_TIMEOUT Set the timeout for the SBOM generation (default 30s).
with-vex ENDOR_SBOM_WITH_VEX Also generate the corresponding VEX document.