Create Exception Policy for SAST Findings
Exception policies define the conditions for applying an exception to a finding. When an exception is applied to a finding, it is tracked as an exception and action policies do not apply to it. Findings with exceptions are filtered out from Endor Labs reports by default.
See Exception Policies for more information.
Instead of creating an exception policy, you can also use the following methods to avoid findings:
- Disable the rule under SAST Rules
- Use the
to scan parts of the project
You can create an exception policy so that you can mark a SAST finding as an exception.
For example, you want to mark findings with the description, Detected Potential Open Redirect Vulnerability in Angular Application
, as exceptions.
From the left sidebar, select Policies.
Click Create Exception Policy to create a new exception policy.
Select Standard Exception Find Attributes as the POLICY TEMPLATE.
Detected Potential Open Redirect Vulnerability in Angular Application
in Finding Name Contains. -
Select from the following reasons why you are applying this exception:
- In Triage: The finding is still being triaged for more information.
- False Positive: The finding is a false positive.
- Risk Accepted: The risk associated with the finding is accepted.
- Other: Another reason applies for this exception.
Select when the exception should expire.
Options include 30, 60, 90 days, and Never.
Assign Scope for which this exception policy should apply. Scopes are defined by the tags assigned to a project.
- In Inclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you want to apply an exception to.
- In Exclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you do not want to apply an exception to. Exclusions take precedence over the inclusions, in case of a conflict.
- Click the link to view the projects included in the finding policy.
See Tagging projects for more information about creating project tags.
Enter a human-readable Name for your exception policy.
Enter a Description for your exception policy that explains its function.
Enter any Policy Tags that you want to associate with your policy. Tags can have a maximum of 63 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and characters = @ _ -
Click Create Exception Policy.
Create exceptions from Findings page
You can also create exceptions from the Findings page.
Select the Finding for which you want to create an exception and select Actions > Add Exception Policy.
The Create Exception Policy page appears where you can add a new exception policy. The template parameters are automatically updated based on the vulnerability.
You can use this feature to specifically apply exception to findings with a specific hash value. For example, Detected Potential time of check time of use vulnerability (open/fopen): ID #e81f27
. This exception policy after creation only applies to the SAST findings with this hash ID and not any others.
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