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Learn how to diagnose and resolve common problems for the Endor Labs REST API.

For a full list of error code descriptions, see Errors.

Invalid authorization

If Endor Labs cannot verify your access token, for example, if it is empty or if it has expired, Endor Labs will terminate the request and you will receive an invalid authorization response.

    "code": 16,
    "message": "Invalid authorization header: Bearer",
    "details": [
            "@type": "",
            "status_code": 401


Try creating a new token or, if you have a valid API key and secret in your ~/.endorctl/config.yaml file, unsetting the environment variable (unset ENDOR_TOKEN).

For more information, see Authentication.

Permission Denied

If your access token does not have the required permissions to access a namespace or perform an operation, Endor Labs will terminate the request and you will receive an unauthorized request response.

  "code": 7,
  "message": "Unauthorized request for given endpoint",
  "details": [
      "@type": "",
      "status_code": 403


Check the value of the ENDOR_NAMESPACE environment variable, the variable with the same name in the ~/.endorctl/config.yaml file, or the API endpoint URL.

For more information, see Authentication.

Context deadline exceeded

If it takes too long to process an API request, Endor Labs will terminate the request and you will receive a timeout response and a “context deadline exceeded” message.

    "code": 4,
    "message": "context deadline exceeded",
    "details": []

Endor Labs reserves the right to change the timeout window to protect the speed and reliability of the API.


You can increase the request timeout limit or you can try to simplify your request. For instance, if you are requesting 100 items per page, try requesting fewer items.

For more information, see Best practices.

Invalid argument

If a request is missing a required field, or includes a non-existent field, Endor Labs will return an “invalid argument” response. The response message field contains details about the error, such as the field name and the specific problem with it.

For example, the following response is returned if you request all findings with the field mask uui instead of uuid:

  "code": 3,
  "message": "mask: proto: invalid path "uui" for message """,
  "details": [
      "@type": "",
      "status_code": 400

PATCH requests

Here is an example response to an PATCH (update) request that sent a Finding as the payload instead of an UpdateFinding:

  "code": 3,
  "message": "invalid Finding.Meta: value is required; invalid Finding.Spec: value is required",
  "details": [
      "@type": "",
      "status_code": 400


Make sure to use the right data structure as the payload for your PATCH requests. For example:

  "request" : {
    "update_mask": "meta.tags"
  "object" : {
    "uuid" : "<uuid>",
    "meta" : {
      "tags": [