There are many scenarios where it is useful to group the objects returned by the Endor Labs REST API in different ways. Like filter keys, a group-aggregation-paths key is used to specify the field, or fields, by which to group the objects, using a dot-delimited path. For example, the following request returns the count of findings for each severity level:
endorctl api list --resource Finding \
--filter "spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY" \
--group-aggregation-paths "spec.level" \
--timeout 60s
curl --get \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
--header "Request-Timeout: 60" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY" \
--data-urlencode "" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings \
| jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <insert-access-token>
@namespace = <insert-namespace>
GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings?list_parameters.filter=spec.finding_categories contains FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY& HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Request-Timeout: 60
"group_response": {
"groups": {
"[{\"key\":\"spec.level\",\"value\":\"FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 49
"[{\"key\":\"spec.level\",\"value\":\"FINDING_LEVEL_HIGH\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 166
"[{\"key\":\"spec.level\",\"value\":\"FINDING_LEVEL_LOW\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 31
"[{\"key\":\"spec.level\",\"value\":\"FINDING_LEVEL_MEDIUM\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 202
Group by path
The following options are available to group objects based on the value of a field in a given path.
Option | Description |
group-aggregation-paths |
Specify one or more fields to group objects by. |
group-show-aggregation-uuids |
Get the uuids of the objects in each group as specified by --group-aggregation-paths . |
group-unique-count-paths |
Count the number of unique values, for these fields, in the group. |
group-unique-value-paths |
Get the unique values, for these fields, in the group. |
For the complete list of all endorctl api list
options, see flags and variables.
List Parameter | Description |
group.aggregation_paths |
Specify one or more fields to group objects by. |
group.show_aggregation_uuids |
Get the uuids of the objects in each group as specified by group.aggregation_paths . |
group.unique_count_paths |
Count the number of unique values, for these fields, in the group. |
group.unique_value_paths |
Get the unique values, for these fields, in the group. |
For the complete list of all HTTP list parameters, see list parameters.
Group by path example
Here is an example using all options simultaneously to group package versions by call graph resolution error, list the uuids of the package versions in each group, return the number of different ecosystems of the package versions in each group, and list the different ecosystems of the package versions in each group:
endorctl api list --resource PackageVersion \
--filter "spec.resolution_errors.call_graph exists" \
--group-aggregation-paths "spec.resolution_errors.call_graph.status_error" \
--group-show-aggregation-uuids \
--group-unique-count-paths "spec.ecosystem" \
--group-unique-value-paths "spec.ecosystem" \
--timeout 60s
curl --get \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
--header "Request-Timeout: 60" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.resolution_errors.call_graph exists" \
--data-urlencode "" \
--data-urlencode "" \
--data-urlencode "" \
--data-urlencode "" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/package-versions \
| jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <insert-access-token>
@namespace = <insert-namespace>
GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/package-versions?list_parameters.filter=spec.resolution_errors.call_graph exists& HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Request-Timeout: 60
"group_response": {
"groups": {
"[{\"key\":\"spec.resolution_errors.call_graph.status_error\",\"value\":\"STATUS_ERROR_CALL_GRAPH\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 10
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {
"spec.ecosystem": {
"count": 2
"unique_values": {
"spec.ecosystem": [
"[{\"key\":\"spec.resolution_errors.call_graph.status_error\",\"value\":\"STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 2
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {
"spec.ecosystem": {
"count": 1
"unique_values": {
"spec.ecosystem": [
"[{\"key\":\"spec.resolution_errors.call_graph.status_error\",\"value\":\"STATUS_ERROR_MISSING_ARTIFACT\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 23
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {
"spec.ecosystem": {
"count": 1
"unique_values": {
"spec.ecosystem": [
"[{\"key\":\"spec.resolution_errors.call_graph.status_error\",\"value\":\"STATUS_ERROR_VENV\"}]": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 10
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {
"spec.ecosystem": {
"count": 1
"unique_values": {
"spec.ecosystem": [
Group by time
The Endor Labs REST API also provides options to group objects by a given time interval. Common time fields include meta.create_time
and meta.update_time
, but you can sort objects based on any time field.
For example, to group objects based on create time in 2 week intervals, set the aggregation path to meta.create_time
, the time interval to GROUP_BY_TIME_INTERVAL_WEEK
and the group size to 2
The following options are available to group objects based on the value of a time field in a given path:
List Parameter | Description |
group_by_time.aggregation_paths |
Group the objects based on this time field. |
group_by_time.interval |
The time interval to group the objects by. |
group_by_time.group_size |
The time interval size to group the objects by. |
group_by_time.start_time |
Beginning of the time period to group objects. |
group_by_time.end_time |
End of the time period to group objects. |
group_by_time.show_aggregation_uuids |
Get the uuids of the objects in each group. |
For the complete list of all HTTP list parameters, see list parameters.
Time intervals
The following time intervals are supported:
Value | Description |
Group by time example
The following example requests the uuids of all critical findings, grouped by create time in two week intervals:
curl --get \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
--header "Request-Timeout: 60" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.filter=spec.level==FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.group_by_time.aggregation_paths=meta.create_time" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.group_by_time.interval=GROUP_BY_TIME_INTERVAL_WEEK" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.group_by_time.group_size=2" \
--data-urlencode "list_parameters.group_by_time.show_aggregation_uuids=true" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings \
| jq '.'
@baseUrl =
@token = <insert-access-token>
@namespace = <insert-namespace>
GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings?list_parameters.filter=spec.level==FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL&list_parameters.group_by_time.aggregation_paths=meta.create_time&list_parameters.group_by_time.interval=GROUP_BY_TIME_INTERVAL_WEEK&list_parameters.group_by_time.group_size=2&list_parameters.group_by_time.show_aggregation_uuids=true HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Request-Timeout: 60
"group_response": {
"groups": {
"\"2024-01-28T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 7
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}
"\"2024-03-10T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 2
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}
"\"2024-03-24T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 2
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}
"\"2024-04-07T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 15
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}
"\"2024-04-21T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 1
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}
"\"2024-05-19T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 19
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}
"\"2024-06-02T00:00:00Z\"": {
"aggregation_count": {
"count": 5
"aggregation_uuids": [
"unique_counts": {},
"unique_values": {}