
Learn how to use filters with the Endor Labs REST API.

Filters allow you to specify a subset of objects to be returned by a request, for example:

endorctl api list --resource Finding \
  --filter "" \
curl --get \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $ENDOR_TOKEN" \
  --data-urlencode "" \
  --data-urlencode "list_parameters.count=true" \$ENDOR_NAMESPACE/findings
@baseUrl =
@token = <insert-access-token>
@namespace = <insert-namespace>

GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/findings? HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}


A filter key is used to specify the field of the object to match against using a dot-delimited path. For example, given an object:

  "uuid": "63ef202d090b62ecf3f6655b",
  "meta": {
    "name": "Example Object",
    "tags": ["dev"]
  "spec": {
    "dependencies": [
        "name": "mvn://org.slf4j:slf4j-api@2.0.0",
        "name": "mvn://ch.qos.logback:logback-access@1.3.0",
    "version": {
      "ref": "v1.6.333",
      "timestamp": "2024-05-31TT21:04:55.799Z"
  • uuid specifies the root field with the value "63ef202d090b62ecf3f6655b"
  • specifies the nested field with the value "Example Object"
  • meta.tags specifies the nested list field containing the values ["dev"]
  • specifies the nested fields within the list with the values: "mvn://org.slf4j:slf4j-api@2.0.0" and "mvn://ch.qos.logback:logback-access@1.3.0"
  • spec.version.ref specifies the nested field with the value "v1.6.333"

For more information, see Data model.


The following filter operators are supported.

Operator Description
== Matches objects where a specified field is equal to a specified value.
!= Matches objects where a specified field is NOT equal to a specified value.
< Matches objects where a specified field is less than a specified value.
<= Matches objects where a specified field is less than or equal to a specified value.
> Matches objects where a specified field is greater than a specified value.
>= Matches objects where a specified field is greater than or equal to a specified value.
contains Matches objects where a specified list contains one or more specified values.
in Matches objects where a specified field is equal to one ore more specified values.
matches Matches objects where a specified field matches a specified regex pattern.
exists Matches objects where a specified field in a json payload exists.


Use contains or not contains to filter on the content of a list field. Multiple values are treated as an OR operation, for example:

  • To get all findings for vulnerabilities that have a fix available OR are in a reachable function use:


  • To get all findings for vulnerabilities that have a fix available AND are in a reachable function use:

    spec.finding_tags contains [FINDING_TAGS_FIX_AVAILABLE] and spec.finding_tags contains [FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION]

  • To get all projects that do not have the meta tags “sanity” or “test” use:

    meta.tags not contains [sanity, test]


Use in or not in to filter on the value of a field against one ore more given values. Multiple values are treated as an OR operation, for example:

  • To get all findings with a “Critical” or “High” severity level use:


  • To get all findings that are not from the “Maven” or “npm” ecosystems use:

    spec.ecosystem not in [ECOSYSTEM_MAVEN, ECOSYSTEM_NPM]


Use matches to filter on a regex pattern. Due to the nature of regex evaluation, this is much slower than using for example == or !=. Also due to the nature of regex evaluation, not matches is not supported.


If a field does not exist then it can’t be equal to anything, so we use exists and not exists instead of != null or == null. This also covers {}, [], etc.


A filter value is used in combination with the operator to match against the values at the specified field.

Use double quotes to escape string or regex values in a filter, for example:

  • uuid in ["64a3b8326dda5fb62bfcceea", "658323c91aa208f231cc7eff", "658323c963ca516ef02d1b02"]
  • matches "validation bypass"

NOTE: filters are case-sensitive by default.

To filter with case-insentive values a regex modifier may be used, for example:

  • meta.description matches "(?i)django"

Date/Time Values

Use date to encode date values in a filter, for example:

  • To filter for objects created after a given date, use a date value with the format YYYY-MM-DD:

    meta.update_time >= date(2024-05-01)

  • To filter for objects created between specific times, use a timestamp values with the RFC 3339 format:

    meta.create_time >= date(2024-05-01T13:30:00.000Z) and meta.create_time < date(2024-05-01T23:30:00.000Z)

Use now to encode relative date values in a filter by a given duration offset, for example:

  • To filter for objects created in the last 15 minutes, use:

    meta.create_time >= now(-12h)

  • To filter for objects created in the last 72 hours, use:

    meta.create_time >= now(-72h)


Use and or or to combine multiple filters, for example:

  • spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY] and meta.create_time >= date(2024-05-31)
  • or

Nesting filters

Multiple filters may also be nested together into a single filter with the use of parentheses (), for example:

  • (spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY] and spec.level==FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL) or (spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_SECRETS] and spec.level in [FINDING_LEVEL_CRITICAL, FINDING_LEVEL_HIGH])