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Packages are collections of generally related software functions, which are built in a repository.
A package generally may have any of the following:
This section provides a basic overview of managing projects and their packages.
Package dependencies are versions of other software packages your software relies on to deliver its functionality. Inversely, dependents are those package versions that depend on a specific package that you’ve created in one of your projects.
Endor Labs builds a bill of materials for each of your package dependencies. Package dependencies and dependents may be direct or transitive:
A dependency of a given package version has the following metadata associated with it directly in the table of dependencies:
Dependency Name and Version - The name and version of the dependencies your project or package relies on.
Type - If a dependency is directly imported as part of a package, it is of type Direct
. If a dependency is imported through the import of one or more direct dependencies, it is of type Transitive
Dependent Packages - In the context of a project, dependent packages are the number of packages created by the project that rely on your package.
Reachability - A dependencies reachability status may have three states:
Visibility - If a dependency is publicly available for use it is flagged as public. Otherwise, if a dependency is from a private package it is flagged as private.
Source Available - If the source code is auditable and directly linked with the metadata of a package then the source code is flagged as available. For dependencies where source code is unavailable, an Endor Labs scorecard is not generated for the dependency.
Endor Labs Dependency Scorecard - Scorecards are data sheets of facts that are used to derive Endor Labs scores. Endor Labs creates a scorecard for the security, activity, popularity and quality of a software dependency.
In addition, if you click on a given dependency a drawer with additional data points is made available to users.
A dependent of a given package version has the following metadata associated with it directly in the table of dependents.
Dependent Package Name - The name of a package that is dependent on the package you are reviewing or that is created within the context of the project you are reviewing.
Dependent Package Version - The version of a package that is dependent on the package you are reviewing or that is created within the context of the project you are reviewing.
Repository of dependent package - The location from which the package that depends on the package you are reviewing is being developed.
To view the dependencies of your package:
To view the dependencies of your package:
Dependents can be used to communicate with downstream users of your package version regarding any major modifications to your package.
Scorecards are data sheets of facts that are used to derive Endor Labs scores. Scorecards are based on analysis that Endor Labs performs on open-source dependencies used in your packages.
Sign in to Endor Labs and select Projects from the left sidebar.
Search for and select a project to review.
Go to Packages under Inventory to view the list of all packages maintained as part of your project and any findings associated with them.
Select the package whose dependencies you’d like to review.
Under Dependency, you can see the scores for Quality, Activity, Security, and Popularity. Click on any of these scores to view the scorecard of the dependency.
Scorecards show the results of the analysis from which Endor Labs scores are derived. Review the scorecard to learn more about your dependency. See also Understand Endor scores.
Scan history provides a detailed overview of past security scans performed on a project. It helps you understand your project’s security posture over time. With full context and details about individual scans in their repositories, you can assess scan fidelity and troubleshoot issues.
Select Projects from the left sidebar.
Search for and select a project to review.
Select SCAN HISTORY to review the past scans.
List of Scans: Displays all previously run scans, including details such as the scan time, duration, scan type, and tags.
Findings Summary: Shows the number of security findings, categorized by severity: Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
Commit Details: Each scan is linked to a specific commit SHA, allowing users to track security issues to specific code changes.
Scanned By: Identifies the user or system that initiated the scan.
Filtering & Search: You can filter scans by status, scan type, and time range. You can search by tags, commit SHA, or specific include or exclude file paths.
Select a record to view general information about the scan or its logs.
Find and manage priority issues
Find and manage priority issues related to AI models.
View dependencies in your project with their details.
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