Exception policies

Learn about exception policies and how to use them.

Exception policies define the conditions for applying an exception to a finding. When an exception is applied to a finding, it is tracked as an exception and action policies do not apply to it. Findings with exceptions are filtered out from Endor Labs reports by default.

For example, exception policies can be used to:

  • Exclude a specific finding for a specific package from build breaking policies.
  • Exclude specific vulnerabilities that are accepted across your organization.
  • Mark an identified issue as a false positive.

Manage exception policies

You can view, enable, clone, disable, edit, or delete your Endor Labs exception policies.

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs, and select Policies & Rules from the left sidebar.
  2. Select Exception Policies.
  3. Use the search bar to search for a policy or click Create Exception Policy.
  4. Enable or disable a policy using the toggle.
  5. To delete a policy, click the vertical three dots and select Delete Policy.
  6. To edit a policy, click on the vertical three dots and select Edit Policy.

Create an exception policy from a template

You can create an exception policy in Endor Labs to apply an exception to a finding when a given set of conditions are met.

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs, and select Policies & Rules from the left sidebar.

  2. Select Exception Policies.

  3. Click Create Exception Policy.

  4. In Define Exception Criteria, choose a policy template and define the criteria for the exception.

    See exception policy templates to choose a template and define the criteria for the exception.

  5. Next, you must Choose a Reason for your exception and set an expiration time for the exception.

    • Select from the following reasons why you are applying this exception:
      • In Triage: The finding is still being triaged for more information.
      • False Positive: The finding is a false positive.
      • Risk Accepted: The risk associated with the finding is accepted.
      • Other: Another reason applies for this exception.
    • Select when the exception should expire. Options include 30, 60, 90 days, or Never.
  6. Assign Scope for which this exception policy should apply. Scopes are defined by the tags assigned to a project.

    • In Inclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you want to apply an exception to.
    • In Exclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you do not want to apply an exception to. Exclusions take precedence over the inclusions, in case of a conflict.
    • Click the link to view the projects included in the finding policy.
    • See Tagging projects for more information about creating project tags.
  7. Finally, you must Name Your Exception Policy.

    • Enter a human-readable Name for your exception policy.
    • Enter a Description for your exception policy that explains its function.
    • Enter any Policy Tags that you want to associate with your policy. Tags can have a maximum of 63 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and characters = @ _ -.
  8. Advanced: When you define a policy, it applies to the current namespace and all its child namespaces. To prevent the policy from being applied to any child namespace, click Advanced and deselect Propagate this policy to all child namespaces.

  9. Click Create Exception Policy. The policy is enabled by default.

Create an exception policy from scratch

Write an exception policy from scratch using the OPA Rego policy language.

You can create an exception policy in Endor Labs to apply an exception to a finding when a given set of conditions are met.

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs, and select Policies from the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the Exception Policies tab.

  3. Click Create Exception Policy to create a new exception policy

  4. First, choose From Scratch to author an exception policy under Define Exception Criteria.

  5. Next, you must Choose a Reason for your exception and set an expiration time for the exception.

    • Select from the following reasons why you are applying this exception:
      • In Triage: The finding is still being triaged for more information.
      • False Positive: The finding is a false positive.
      • Risk Accepted: The risk associated with the finding is accepted.
      • Other: Another reason applies for this exception.
    • Select when the exception should expire. Options include 30, 60, 90 days, or Never.
  6. Enter the Rego rule for the policy in Rego Definition. For example, the following Rego rule recognizes a set of 3 vulnerabilities acknowledged by an organization, with an organization-wide exception. For more information about findings, see the Finding resource kind documentation.

    package exceptions
    match_vuln_id(finding, ids) {
      finding.spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.meta.name = ids[_]
    match_vuln_id(finding, ids) {
      finding.spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.spec.aliases[_] = ids[_]
    match_finding[result] {
      some i
      ids := ["CVE-2020-10683", "CVE-2019-0231", "CVE-2017-0144"]
      match_vuln_id(data.resources.Finding[i], ids)
      result = {
        "Endor" : {
          "Finding" : data.resources.Finding[i].uuid
  7. Enter the OPA Query Statement for the rule in the following format: data.<package-name>.<function-name>. For the example above the query statement is data.exceptions.match_finding.

  8. Select the Resource Kinds required to evaluate the policy. For the example above, the required resource kind is Finding. The requested resource kind records for the current scan are made available to the Rego code under data.resources.<ResourceKind>.

  9. Assign Scope for which this exception policy should apply. Scopes are defined by the tags assigned to a project.

    • In Inclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you want to apply an exception to.
    • In Exclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you do not want to apply an exception to. Exclusions take precedence over the inclusions, in case of a conflict.
    • Click the link to view the projects included in the exception policy.
    • See Tagging projects for more information about creating project tags.
  10. Finally, you must Name Your Exception Policy.

    • Enter a human-readable Name for your exception policy.
    • Enter a Description for your exception policy that explains its function.
    • Enter any Policy Tags that you want to associate with your policy. Tags can have a maximum of 63 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and characters = @ _ -.
  11. Advanced: When you define a policy, it applies to the current namespace and all its child namespaces. To prevent the policy from being applied to any child namespace, click Advanced and deselect Propagate this policy to all child namespaces.

  12. Click Create Exception Policy. The policy is enabled by default.

Expected output format

All exception policies must list the matching Finding UUID under “Endor” in the following format.

foo[result] {
  <match conditions>

  result = {
    "Endor": {
      Finding: <finding-uuid>

Validate policy

The application verifies the Rego syntax and query statement before generating the policy. However, it is important to note that the logic cannot be completely validated without input data.

See the endorctl validate policy command for instructions on validating a custom policy and inspecting the matches returned for a specific project.

Exception policy templates

Learn about the predefined exception policy templates and how to customize them.