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Introduction to Endor Labs
Secure your software supply chain with Endor Labs
Endor Labs helps Security and DevOps teams build secure applications without the productivity tax associated with traditional security and compliance obligations.
Endor Labs addresses three primary software supply chain security use cases:
- Secure open-source code
- Secure repositories and pipelines
- Meet AppSec compliance requirements
Secure Open Source Code
Secure and manage the open source software (OSS) packages that are used in your application code:
Vulnerability prioritization: Reachability-based SCA utilizes program analysis to understand code behavior at build time, identifying reachable vulnerabilities at the function level to help you prioritize risk in the context of your code.
Full visibility of OSS risks: Scan direct and transitive dependencies (including “phantom dependency” detection) and cross-references with a proprietary database with function-specific annotations on CVEs dating back to 2018.
Select healthy OSS dependencies: Prevent risky OSS from entering your ecosystem with Endor Score and DroidGPT, allowing you to implement governance of OSS selection and improve developer productivity.
Secure Repositories and Pipelines
Track potential process deviations and failures in your pipelines:
SCM config management: Gain visibility into the configuration of source code management systems and understand the delivery process through secure configuration baselines and out-of-the-box policies.
Detect and prioritize secret leaks: Identify potential secret leaks in your source code and implement policies that block secrets from being hard coded.
Meet AppSec Compliance Requirements
Demonstrate compliance with stakeholder and industry requirements:
License compliance risk management: Manage legal and compliance risks related to OSS licensing as part of an open source software governance program, including an Open Source Program Office (OSPO).
SBOM and VEX: Automatically generate SBOMs for each software package and annotate with Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) documents so that your stakeholders can get visibility into your software inventory and assess status of vulnerabilities.
Integrate Endor Labs into SDLC workflows
Endor Labs integrates into various stages of the software delivery lifecycle, including:
- In a developer’s Integrated Developer Environment (IDE) or their local workstation.
- As a test in a continuous integration job before software installation or build process.
- As a test in a continuous integration job after software installation or build process.
- In day-to-day ticketing and messaging workflows.
The diagram below illustrates how a DevSecOps program can integrate Endor Labs into their software delivery workflows:

- Endor Labs IDE plugins help development teams select better dependencies and catch potential issues early in the software development process.
- Endor Labs secret scanning is performed as a test before building software, allowing teams to quickly identify potential secret leaks in their source code.
- Endor Labs software composition analysis and reachability analysis occur as post-build/install steps in the CI pipeline. This post-build/install scanning provides a more accurate bill of materials and helps prioritize issues.
- Endor Labs scans for the configuration of your source code management system as a regular scan on your repositories. This configuration generally changes infrequently and defines how your development team delivers and tests your software.
- Endor Labs helps establish ticketing and messaging workflows through policies to notify your team of urgent issues or policy violations for appropriate resolution.
1 - Reachability analysis
Learn how Endor Labs helps you identify which vulnerabilities are exploitable, potentially exploitable, and false positives.
Modern software relies on complex code, external libraries, and open-source components (OSS). Managing risks requires understanding where issues come from, such as internal code, OSS, or other external dependencies.
Dependencies in a project can be classified as direct or transitive. Direct dependencies are explicitly added by developers, such as when a specific library is included in a project.
Transitive dependencies are those pulled in indirectly through other libraries. While direct dependencies are easier to track and manage, transitive dependencies can introduce complexity, as they may not be immediately visible in the project’s configuration files.
Categorizing code as reachable, potentially reachable, or unreachable is another important step. Reachable code is actively invoked during normal execution.
Unreachable code, on the other hand, is not used at all and can accumulate over time, leading to unnecessary complexity and potential issues. Identifying and managing these categories ensures that the codebase remains efficient and maintainable.
To help developers and security teams make informed decisions for SCA results, Endor Labs leverages a static analysis technique called program analysis to perform function-level reachability analysis on direct and transitive dependencies. This is the most accurate way to determine exploitability in the context of your application, which is critical for determining which risks should be remediated.
Function-level vs dependency-level reachability
Endor Labs supports dependency-level reachability by default for all supported languages. This type of reachability analysis is more coarse-grained than function-level reachability. It indicates that the imported package is being used somewhere in the application but does not determine whether the vulnerable package is being called by the source code.
The dependency-level reachability can be used as a good indicator for prioritization. If you’re not actually using the dependency at all, then removing that dependency could be a consideration. Determining whether or not a dependency is being called or used is another layer of prioritization you can add to your remediation process.
Dependency reachability Labels
The different dependency reachability labels include:
Reachable Dependency:
Endor Labs established that an imported package is being used somewhere in the application.
Unreachable Dependency:
Endor Labs determined that the imported dependency is not being used. The customer can use this information to remove the dependency, which is helpful for technical debt reduction initiatives.
Potentially Reachable Dependency:
Endor Labs cannot definitively determine whether a dependency is or is not in use, generally because a given language or package manager is not supported.
Function-level reachability labels
The different function reachability labels include:
Reachable Function:
Endor Labs has determined that there is a path from the developer-written code to a vulnerable function, indicating that the finding is exploitable in your environment. This is demonstrated by a call graph that illustrates each step between the source code and the vulnerable library.
Unreachable Function:
Endor Labs has determined that there is no risk of exploitation, as there is no path from the source code to the vulnerable function. This conclusion is supported by a call graph that demonstrates the absence of such a path.
Potentially Reachable Function:
Endor Labs is unable to determine whether a finding is reachable or unreachable, typically because call graph analysis is unsupported for a given language or package manager. This means that the function in question may be executable in the context of the dependent project, but the analysis cannot definitively determine if it is reachable or not.
Phantom dependencies
Phantom dependencies are packages utilized in your codebase that are not explicitly declared in your project’s manifest files, for example, package.json
, or requirements.txt
. These undeclared dependencies can pose significant security and operational risks, as they may contain vulnerabilities not tracked or assessed during standard dependency analysis. Identifying and managing phantom dependencies is crucial for accurate reachability analysis and comprehensive risk assessment.
Detection of phantom dependencies
Endor Labs’ reachability analysis conducts thorough scans of your codebase to identify functions and methods invoked from both declared and undeclared dependencies. By analyzing the actual usage of packages in your source code, the system identifies phantom dependencies—those that are in use but not explicitly declared. This detection ensures that all utilized code paths are assessed for potential vulnerabilities, providing a more accurate and comprehensive security evaluation.
2 - Call graphs
Mitigate open source vulnerabilities with call graph visualizations, pinpointing and understanding the invocation of vulnerable methods for actionable developer insights.
Endor Labs has developed a systematic approach to conduct call graph analysis. Here is a structured overview:
Scope Expansion: Traditional methods of static analysis are typically capable of analyzing a single project at a time. Endor Labs, however, has expanded its scope to include not only the client projects but also their dependencies, often comprising over 100 packages.
Enhanced Dependency Analysis: Endor Labs employs static call graphs to conduct detailed dependency analysis, enabling a comprehensive understanding of how different external components interact within client projects. By leveraging these call graphs, Endor Labs aims to minimize false positives and more accurately identify the specific locations of problems in dependencies.
Multiple Data Sources: To enrich the analysis, Endor Labs uses both source code and binary artifacts. This ensures swift results without a heavy reliance on test coverage.
Benchmarking for Continuous Improvement: Endor Labs maintains accuracy and relevance by using dynamic call graphs internally to benchmark and refine static call graphs, thereby actively identifying and addressing gaps.
Scalability: Addressing the challenge of scalability, Endor Labs generates call graphs not only for each project release but also for all its dependencies. This approach enables effective management of large projects with multiple versions, ensuring that the analysis is both relevant and applicable across the entire spectrum of client dependency sets.
For more information, see Visualizing the impact of call graphs on open source security.
Endor Labs uses static call graphs to perform dependency analysis at a fine-grained level. It is minimally intrusive to the developer workflow and provides results during development.
Endor Labs UI provides visualizations of call graphs annotated with vulnerability data and simplified into informative call paths. This empowers developers to identify and address problematic invocations of vulnerable methods efficiently.
Call paths are supported for Java, Python, Rust, JavaScript, Golang, .NET (C#), Kotlin, and Scala.
View call paths
Endor Labs allows you to view call paths, which represent the sequences of functions invoked during program execution.
Select Projects from the left sidebar.
Select the project for which you want to view the call path.
Select FINDINGS and select the finding from the list view.
Expand a specific finding to view more details.

In the details section, select CALL PATHS.

A finding may have multiple call paths.
3 - Endor scores
Understand how packages and AI Models are scored in Endor Labs.
Endor Labs collects and analyzes a large amount of information about open-source packages and uses it to compute scores.
Every open-source package is scored across different dimensions that capture both security and operation aspects of a risk.
Every AI model is scored on a multidimensional scoring system grouped into four main categories: security, activity, popularity, and operational integrity.
Each category’s Endor score represents the average of all contributing factors within that category. See View scorecards for more information on checking Endor scores.
3.1 - Package scores
Understand how packages are scored in Endor Labs.
Scores provide a high-level, easy-to-understand metric of how well a package does based on factors such as security, activity, popularity, and code quality.
Endor Labs scores are categorized into:
- Security: Indicates the number of security-related issues a package may have such as known vulnerabilities, following security best practices when developing code, and the results of static code analysis. Packages with lower security scores can be expected to have many security-related issues when compared with packages with higher scores. See the factors affecting the security score for more details.
- Activity: Indicates the level of development activity for a package as observed through the source code management system. Packages with higher activity scores will be more active and presumably better maintained when compared to packages with a lower activity score. See the factors affecting the activity score for more details.
- Popularity: Indicates how widely a package is used in its ecosystem by tracking both source code management system metrics (for example, the number of stars in GitHub) as well as counting how many other packages import it. A package with a high popularity score indicates that it is used widely. See the factors affecting the popularity score for more details.
- Code Quality: Indicates how well the package complies with best practices for code development and includes the results of static code analysis of that package’s source code. A package with a higher quality score has fewer code issues. See the factors affecting the code quality score for more details.
For calculating scores of vulnerabilities, Endor Labs performs score computation for various entities such as:
- Repository score - A repository has a score that captures overall repository activity and properties that span multiple versions of the code.
- Repository version score - A repository version has a score that captures details that are specific to a version of the code.
- Package version score - A package version that captures the details that are specific to a package version.
The scoring algorithm considers the following input parameters while calculating the scores:
- Data from a version control system such as Git that provides information about files, versions and their contents.
- Data from a source code management system such as GitHub that provides information about the development activities on a project like issues, pull requests, and more.
- Data from Package managers that provide information about the properties of a package, for example, license, releases and metadata like the number of stars.
- Data from Vulnerabilities that provide information about known security issues in a package.
- Data from Static code analysis tools that provide information about specific issues in the source code of the package.
Score range
The scores for each category range between 0 and 10.
For example, a score of 5 indicates inconclusive analysis and the package is neutral. A score higher than 5 indicates that the package mostly has positive factors while a score lower than 5 indicates negative factors.
A score of 10 indicates that the package meets all the positive conditions, while a score of 0 indicates that a package meets all negative conditions.
3.1.1 - Activity score factors
Activity scores indicate the level of activity associated with a repository. Activity information is based on metadata gathered from a code hosting and version control system such as GitHub. Higher levels of activity can mean that the repository is well maintained and will continue to be in the future.
The following factors have a positive contribution to the activity score:
- Activity from corporate affiliated accounts that indicate that the project can have reliable backing and support.
- Activity from reputable accounts indicates that the repository is well-maintained. An account is considered reputable if it participates in multiple open-source projects and has a high rating on a source control system such as GitHub.
- Consistent and continuous commit activity over longer periods of time indicates that the project is active.
- The repository has frequent releases indicating a commitment to maintaining and supporting the codebase.
- Activity in the form of comments on issues, show there is engagement in the project.
- A high ratio of issues opened by external contributors indicates that the project is active.
- More issues being closed than opened indicates that the project is active.
- The repository keeps releasing updates to earlier release trains, this is a sign of a commitment to maintaining and supporting the users of the project.
- When a repository belongs to an organization there is a lower risk of it getting abandoned in the future
- Recent issue and commit activity means the project is active.
- Configuring topics is an indication that the repository is well-maintained
The following factors have a negative contribution to the activity score:
- Archived repositories are not active and have a low score.
- A high ratio of rejected pull requests indicates that the project may not be actively developed.
- The Lack of recent issue activity may indicate that the project is not actively used.
- Significantly more pull requests being submitted than merged indicates that the project may not be maintained.
- The repository does not have any recent releases and this could mean that it is not actively maintained.
- When a repository is personal there is a higher risk of it getting abandoned in the future
- If the majority of the repository’s activity comes from a tiny number of accounts, the project could be at risk if these accounts cannot continue their contributions.
3.1.2 - Popularity score factors
Popularity scores indicate how popular is the repository. Popularity information is based on metadata gathered from a code hosting and version control system such as GitHub. Popular repositories are more likely to be maintained.
The following factors have a positive contribution to the popularity score:
- Many reputable contributors affiliated with the project indicates that the project is reliable. An account is considered reputable if it participates in multiple open-source projects and has a high rating on GitHub.
- The project includes many stars indicating an interest in the project.
- Having subscribers indicates interest in the project.
- Includes many subscribers
- Includes a high number of dependent projects.
- Includes many forks.
- Some released artifacts of the repository are downloaded many times indicating the project is popular.
The following factors have a negative contribution to the activity score:
- Low fork count may indicate a lack of interest in the project.
- Few subscribers may mean a lack of interest in the project.
- Few stars may mean a lack of interest in the project.
3.1.3 - Security score factors
Security scores indicate the level of compliance with security best practices as well as vulnerability information for the repository that includes open and fixed vulnerabilities. Vulnerability information is based on
data and Endor Lab’s vulnerability database.
The following factors have a positive contribution to the security score:
- Critical and high severity vulnerabilities were discovered in the past in the repository but have now been fixed. This indicates that the code base is properly maintained.
- A file highlighting security-related information is a sign of repository maturity.
- A high volume of commits related to vulnerabilities may indicate that the project has many security issues but also that they are actively being addressed. A commit is considered vulnerability-related if it mentions a CVE in its commit message.
- No vulnerabilities ever discovered in a repository indicate that there are no known security issues in this codebase.
- Recently fixed vulnerabilities indicate that the repository has lower security risk and is well maintained.
The following factors have a negative contribution to the security score:
- This package has high activity from invalid accounts.
- This package calls any of the following sensitive APIs more often than an average package.
- Access to environment information like environment variables, user and host names. Some of this information may be security sensitive, such as environment variables with API keys.
- Read or write access to the file system. This can be dangerous in combination with user-provided input, for example,, lead to path traversal vulnerabilities.
- Start of operating system processes. This can be dangerous in combination with user-provided input, as it can lead to command or parameter injection vulnerabilities.
- Dynamic programming techniques like introspection, reflection or dynamic code execution through eval() type of functions or script engines.
- Network functions, for example, to open connections or listen for incoming connection requests. This can be dangerous in combination with user-provided input, for example,, lead to data leakage or the load of data from untrusted sources.
- Cryptographic or encoding/decoding functions. Depending on the specific functions used and the data being processed, export control regulations may apply to downstream users.
- This package contains code patterns or shows behaviors that are known to be used by malware. While this is not a guarantee that this package is malicious, a review of the related code is recommended.
- A high fraction of critical vulnerabilities among the discovered vulnerabilities indicates an elevated security risk and potentially systematic security issues with this codebase.
- A high fraction of high-fix priority vulnerabilities among the discovered vulnerabilities indicates an elevated security risk and that the repository needs immediate maintenance. A vulnerability is considered a high priority based on our analysis.
- A high fraction of high severity or critical vulnerabilities among the discovered vulnerabilities indicates an elevated security risk and potentially systematic security issues with this codebase.
- Taking more time to fix critical vulnerabilities discovered in a repository indicates a lack of regular maintenance. The analysis only considers vulnerabilities associated with this repository and not its dependencies.
- A high fraction of releases with high severity vulnerabilities indicates an elevated security risk and potentially systematic security issues with this codebase.
- The package has many unmerged vulnerability-related pull requests means that the project is not actively maintained and may have security issues.
- The repository includes recently discovered vulnerabilities indicating that the repository’s security risk is increasing.
- A high number of critical or unfixed vulnerabilities discovered in a repository indicates an elevated security risk and potentially systematic security issues with this codebase.
3.1.4 - Code quality score factors
Code quality scores provide a view of code quality and adherence to best practices in a repository. Code quality information is based on metadata gathered from a code hosting and version control system such as GitHub and from the source code in the repository.
The following factors have a positive contribution to the code quality score:
- Activity from bot accounts shows that the project is using automation for some development tasks
- The repository has reached 1.0 release status indicating the first major release milestone and is a sign of maturity
- The project includes test code
- Attaching labels to issues allows for better tracking of issue activity in the project
- The repository has multiple files that cover basic operational aspects of the project and this shows a strong emphasis on best practices
- A large fraction of the commits in this repository are verified; this shows that security best practices are followed
- Pull requests from dependency management bot accounts indicate that the project is using automation to keep its dependencies up to date
- Attaching labels to pull requests helps organize the development activity in the project
- Pull requests from bot accounts indicate that the project is using automation for development tasks
- A large faction of the commits in this repository is associated with a pull request; this shows that development best practices are followed
- The repository has released signed artifacts which is a sign of mature security operations
- The use of continuous integration is a sign of good developer practices
- Using GitHub templates to manage issues shows that the development work in the repository is well-organized
- The repository includes badges
- Displaying the Code Coverage badge means that the repository is using code coverage tools in its development process
- Displaying the Core Infra Best Practices badge means that the repository has met a number of best practices requirements
- The repository includes documentation making it easier to understand and use
- The repository has files that cover basic operational aspects of the project and this shows an emphasis on best practices
- The repository uses CI and a high fraction of commits pass the CI checks which is a sign of good code quality
- Displaying the OSSF scorecards badge means that the repository strives to meet the OSSF scorecard checks
The following factors have a negative contribution to the code quality score:
- This package has many instances of likely incorrect code that is associated with coding issues and potential bugs
- This package has many instances of questionable code warnings that are associated with coding issues and potential bugs
- This project has a high number of indirect dependencies compared to the number of direct dependencies; this additional code increases the cost of building the project and its supply chain risk.
- The repository has many major releases in a short amount of time, this is a sign of high churn and potential instability
- Packages where the package manager license information does not agree with the license information found in the code require additional review
- Packages with multiple licenses require extra effort to determine their exact license status
- Multiple unpinned dependencies can significantly increase the risk of a codebase since packages can be updated at any moment
- Many unreachable direct dependencies unnecessarily increase the size of the codebase and the cost of building it
- The project does not have an automated build system
- The repository does not have any of the files that typically explain the basic operational aspects of the project, this may be an indication that the project is not well-maintained
- Packages or source code without license information or a restrictive license can create operational risk
- This release is old and has been superseded by multiple newer releases, it should not be used
- The repository has releases that do not follow the SemVer standard, this goes against best practices
- When a repository contains binary files it is harder to analyze and assess its functionality and risks
- Lack of access to the source code of the project dramatically limits visibility in its quality and adherence to best practices
- The repository has an unusually fast first release
3.2 - AI model scores
Understand how AI Models are scored in Endor Labs.
To evaluate AI models effectively, we use a multi-factor scoring system that assesses popularity, activity, operational integrity, and security.
Each model is assigned a composite score based on the following criteria:
Popularity score factors
The popularity score reflects the model’s adoption and recognition within the AI community. Higher scores indicate greater usage and community engagement.
Number of downloads: More downloads indicate widespread adoption.
Number of likes: More likes suggest a positive reception from users.
Published papers: Models with linked academic papers receive higher credibility.
GitHub repository: Models with an associated GitHub repository score higher.
Number of spaces using the model: More integrations suggest broader utility.
Scoring approach
Models with many downloads, likes, citations, and integrations score higher.
Models with fewer engagements score lower.
Activity score factors
The activity score measures how actively a model is discussed and maintained.
Scoring approach
Operational score factors
The operational score assesses the model’s reliability, transparency, and usability.
Reputable provider: Models from well-known sources score higher.
Model age: Older, well-maintained models may score higher, but outdated models may receive penalties.
Authorization requirements: Restricted-access models score lower for accessibility but may gain points for security.
Gated models: If a model requires special access, it may impact usability.
License information: Models with clear licensing receive higher scores.
License type: Open licenses (permissive, unencumbered) generally score higher than restrictive ones.
The following factors related to the availability of model metadata are also considered.
Metric information: Essential for model evaluation.
Dataset information: Transparency about training data boosts score.
Base model information: Important for derivative works.
Training data, fine-tuning, and alignment training information: Increases credibility.
Evaluation results: Demonstrates model performance.
Scoring approach
Models with comprehensive metadata, reputable providers, and clear licensing score higher.
Models with unclear ownership, restrictive access, or missing details score lower.
Security score factors
The security score evaluates potential risks associated with a model’s implementation and distribution.
Use of safe tensors: Secure tensor formats boost safety score.
Use of potentially unsafe files: Formats such as pickle, PyTorch, and Python code files pose security risks.
Typosquatting risks: Models that could be impersonating popular models receive lower scores.
Example code availability: Models that contain example code or code snippets can introduce potential issues and hence receive lower scores.
Scoring approach
Models that follow best security practices such as safe tensors, clear documentation, or vetted repositories score higher.
Models receive lower scores if they use potentially unsafe formats such as pickle (.pkl
) and unverified PyTorch (.pth
) or show signs of typosquatting.
Final score calculation
Each category contributes to the overall model score. The final score is a weighted sum of these factors, with weights adjusted based on real-world relevance and risk impact.
Higher scores indicate well-documented, popular, actively maintained, and secure models, while lower scores highlight potential risks or lack of transparency.
This scoring system enables users to make informed decisions when selecting AI models for their projects.
Endor Labs continuously refines and expands its evaluation criteria; this document represents the current methodology snapshot.