Perform software composition analysis, dependency management, or detect secrets in your code using Endor Labs.
Download and install endorctl
Use one of the following methods to download and install endorctl on your local system. After you install endorctl, you must authenticate. Then you can start scanning your code.
Install endorctl with Homebrew
Use Homebrew to efficiently install endorctl on macOS and Linux operating systems making it easy to manage dependencies, and track installed packages with their versions.
Install endorctl from the Endor Labs tap with Homebrew by running the following commands. The tap is updated regularly with the latest endorctl release.
brew tap endorlabs/tap
brew install endorctl
Install endorctl with npm
Use npm to efficiently install endorctl on macOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems making it easy to manage dependencies, track and update installed packages and their versions.
- Make sure that you have npm installed in your local environment and use the following command to install endorctl.
npm install -g endorctl
- Run the following command to get the npm global bin directory.
npm config get prefix
- Edit your shell configuration file and insert the path you obtained from the previous command.
export PATH="/path/to/npm/global/bin:$PATH"
- Reload your shell configuration and verify endorctl is installed.
endorctl --version
- To update your version of endorctl, run the following command.
npm update -g endorctl
endorctl is available as an npm package and is updated regularly with the latest endorctl release.
Download and install the endorctl binary directly
To download the endorctl binary directly use the following commands:
## Download the latest CLI for Linux amd64
curl -o endorctl
## Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s endorctl" | sha256sum -c
## Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl
## Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"
## Download the latest CLI for Linux arm64
curl -o endorctl
## Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s endorctl" | sha256sum -c
## Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl
## Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"
### Download the latest CLI for MacOS ARM64
curl -o endorctl
### Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s endorctl" | shasum -a 256 -c
### Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl
### Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"
### Download the latest CLI for MacOS AMD64
curl -o endorctl
### Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s endorctl" | shasum -a 256 -c
### Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl
### Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"
## Download the latest CLI for Windows amd64
curl -O
## Check the expected checksum of the binary file
## Verify the expected checksum and the actual checksum of the binary match
certutil -hashfile .\endorctl_windows_amd64.exe SHA256
## Rename the binary file
ren endorctl_windows_amd64.exe endorctl.exe
You can also view these instructions via the Endor Labs application user interface:
- Sign in to Endor Labs.
- Navigate to the Projects list
- Select Add Project
- Choose CLI
- Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the appropriate version and architecture of
for your system.
You can keep track of endorctl release details by checking the Endor Labs release notes.
Authenticate to Endor Labs
Users can authenticate to Endor Labs several ways:
Login with the init command
To login with your supported authentication provider:
endorctl init --auth-mode=google
endorctl init --auth-mode=github
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address>
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant>
To login with your supported authentication provider in environments without a browser you can use headless mode:
endorctl init --auth-mode=google --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=github --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address> --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant> --headless-mode
Login with an API Key
To login with an API key you’ll need to set several environment variables:
- ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_KEY - The API key used to authenticate against the Endor Labs API.
- ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_SECRET - The API key secret used to authenticate against the Endor Labs API.
- ENDOR_NAMESPACE - The Endor Labs namespace you would like to scan against. You can locate the namespace from the top left hand corner of the screen under the Endor Labs logo on the Endor Labs application.
To get an API Key and secret for use with endorctl, see Managing API Keys.
To set your environment variables run the following commands and replace each example with the appropriate value:
export ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_KEY=<example-api-key>
export ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=<example-api-key-secret>
export ENDOR_NAMESPACE=<example-tenant-namespace>
Once you’ve exported your environment variables you can test successful authentication by running the following command to list projects in your namespace:
endorctl api list -r Project --page-size=1
Print your access token
Once you have successfully initialized endorctl, you can print your access token with the following command:
endorctl auth --print-access-token
The token has an expiration time of 4 hours.
Persistently set environment variables for endorctl
To persistently set an environment variable, append the environment variable and the value to ~/.endorctl/config.yaml
. This configuration file is for CLI usage.
For example, if your GitHub Enterprise Server URL was you can set the variable to persist in your configuration using the following command:
echo "ENDOR_SCAN_SOURCE_GITHUB_API_URL:" >> ~/.endorctl/config.yaml
See endorctl commands for all supported commands and environment variables.