
Use the toolchains command to detect the tools in your repository and create a scan profile.

Use the endorctl toolchains command to detect the current tools used in your repository. You can also create a scan profile.


  • Use the help argument to see the options associated with toolchains command.
endorctl toolchains --help

Detect tools in your repository

Use endorctl detect to identify the tools currently used in your repository. The following arguments can help you refine your scan:

  • Use the -p argument to define the local filesystem path to the repository you want to scan.
endorctl toolchains detect -p <path_to_repository>
  • Use the --exclude-path argument to exclude specific file paths or directories.
endorctl toolchains detect -p <path_to_repository> --exclude-path 'python/**'
  • Use the --include-path argument to limit the scan to a specific file path or directory.
endorctl toolchains detect -p <path_to_repository> --include-path 'developement/**'

Create a scan profile

Use endorctl generate to create a scan profile. See Manage build tools for more details.

  • Use the profile-name argument to assign a name to your profile. This command creates a .endorctl/scanprofile.yaml file with the tools in the repository.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository>  --profile-name <profile-name>
  • Use the output-type argument to specify the format of the output file.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository> --profile-name <profile-name> --output-type <output-type>
  • Use the --output-path argument to set the location where the output file will be saved.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository> --profile-name <profile-name> --output-type json --output-path <output-path>
  • Use the --create-profile argument to create and save the scan profile using the specified options.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository> --profile-name <profile-name> --create-profile


The endorctl toolchains command uses the following flags and environment variables:

Flag Environment Variable Description
create-profile ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_CREATE_PROFILE Creates and saves the scan profile.
profile-name ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_PROFILE_NAME Set the name of the scan profile, for example development-profile
output-type ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_OUTPUT_TYPE Set the type of output, for example, use json to generate a json file with tool information for your profile.
output-path ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_OUTPUT_PATH Set the location to save the output file, for example, /Desktop/output.json