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Endor Labs CLI

endorctl is a command line utility designed to bring the functionality of Endor Labs into your software delivery workflows. It allows you to scan and monitor your projects, import and export SBOMs, and interact with the API.

1 - Install and configure endorctl

Learn how to install, configure, and authenticate with Endor Labs

Perform software composition analysis, dependency management, or detect secrets in your code using Endor Labs.

Download and install endorctl

Use one of the following methods to download and install endorctl on your local system. After you install endorctl, you must authenticate. Then you can start scanning your code.

Install endorctl with Homebrew

Use Homebrew to efficiently install endorctl on macOS and Linux operating systems making it easy to manage dependencies, and track installed packages with their versions.

Install endorctl from the Endor Labs tap with Homebrew by running the following commands. The tap is updated regularly with the latest endorctl release.

brew tap endorlabs/tap
brew install endorctl

Install endorctl with npm

Use npm to efficiently install endorctl on macOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems making it easy to manage dependencies, track and update installed packages and their versions.

  1. Make sure that you have npm installed in your local environment and use the following command to install endorctl.
npm install -g endorctl
  1. Run the following command to get the npm global bin directory.
npm config get prefix
  1. Edit your shell configuration file and insert the path you obtained from the previous command.
export PATH="/path/to/npm/global/bin:$PATH"
  1. Reload your shell configuration and verify endorctl is installed.
endorctl --version
  1. To update your version of endorctl, run the following command.
npm update -g endorctl

endorctl is available as an npm package and is updated regularly with the latest endorctl release.

Download and install the endorctl binary directly

To download the endorctl binary directly use the following commands:

## Download the latest CLI for Linux amd64
curl -o endorctl

## Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s  endorctl" | sha256sum -c

## Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl

## Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"
## Download the latest CLI for Linux arm64
curl -o endorctl

## Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s  endorctl" | sha256sum -c

## Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl

## Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"

### Download the latest CLI for MacOS ARM64
curl -o endorctl

### Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s  endorctl" | shasum -a 256 -c

### Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl

### Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"

### Download the latest CLI for MacOS AMD64
curl -o endorctl

### Verify the checksum of the binary
echo "$(curl -s  endorctl" | shasum -a 256 -c

### Modify the permissions of the binary to ensure it is executable
chmod +x ./endorctl

### Create an alias endorctl of the binary to ensure it is available in other directory
alias endorctl="$PWD/endorctl"
## Download the latest CLI for Windows amd64
curl -O
## Check the expected checksum of the binary file
## Verify the expected checksum and the actual checksum of the binary match
certutil -hashfile .\endorctl_windows_amd64.exe SHA256
## Rename the binary file
ren endorctl_windows_amd64.exe endorctl.exe

You can also view these instructions via the Endor Labs application user interface:

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs.
  2. Navigate to the Projects list
  3. Select Add Project
  4. Choose CLI
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the appropriate version and architecture of endorctl for your system.

You can keep track of endorctl release details by checking the Endor Labs release notes.

Authenticate to Endor Labs

Users can authenticate to Endor Labs several ways:

  1. Using the init command
  2. With an API token

Login with the init command

To login with your supported authentication provider:

endorctl init --auth-mode=google
endorctl init --auth-mode=github
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address>
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant>

To login with your supported authentication provider in environments without a browser you can use headless mode:

endorctl init --auth-mode=google --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=github --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address> --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant> --headless-mode

Login with an API Key

To login with an API key you’ll need to set several environment variables:

  • ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_KEY - The API key used to authenticate against the Endor Labs API.
  • ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_SECRET - The API key secret used to authenticate against the Endor Labs API.
  • ENDOR_NAMESPACE - The Endor Labs namespace you would like to scan against. You can locate the namespace from the top left hand corner of the screen under the Endor Labs logo on the Endor Labs application.

To get an API Key and secret for use with endorctl, see Managing API Keys.

To set your environment variables run the following commands and replace each example with the appropriate value:

export ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_KEY=<example-api-key>
export ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=<example-api-key-secret>
export ENDOR_NAMESPACE=<example-tenant-namespace>

Once you’ve exported your environment variables you can test successful authentication by running the following command to list projects in your namespace:

endorctl api list -r Project --page-size=1

Once you have successfully initialized endorctl, you can print your access token with the following command:

endorctl auth --print-access-token

The token has an expiration time of 4 hours.

Persistently set environment variables for endorctl

To persistently set an environment variable, append the environment variable and the value to ~/.endorctl/config.yaml. This configuration file is for CLI usage.

For example, if your GitHub Enterprise Server URL was you can set the variable to persist in your configuration using the following command:

echo "ENDOR_SCAN_SOURCE_GITHUB_API_URL:" >> ~/.endorctl/config.yaml

See endorctl commands for all supported commands and environment variables.

2 - Commands

Learn more about the available endorctl commands

2.1 - api

Use the api command to interact with the Endor Labs API

The endorctl api command allows you to interact with the Endor Labs API directly through the command line interface.


The syntax of the endorctl api command is:

endorctl api [subcommand] [flags]

The following subcommands are supported:

  • create creates a specified object in a namespace.
  • delete deletes a specified object in a namespace.
  • get gets a specified object in a namespace.
  • list lists a specified group of objects in a namespace.
  • update updates a specified object in a namespace.

Flags and variables

The following flags are supported for all endorctl api subcommands, unless specified otherwise:

Flag Environment Variable Description
data ENDOR_API_DATA Define the object you want to create or update in json format.
field-mask ENDOR_API_FIELD_MASK Specify a list of fields to return or update.
header ENDOR_API_HEADER Specify request header information in the following format: key:value
interactive ENDOR_API_INTERACTIVE Create or update an object interactively. Requires the environment variable EDITOR to be set (for example, export EDITOR=vim).
name ENDOR_API_NAME Specify the name of the resource that you want to interact with.
output-type ENDOR_API_OUTPUT_TYPE Specify the output format of the response. The default output type is json, but can also be set to yaml or table.
resource ENDOR_API_RESOURCE Specify the resource type that you want to interact with. See commonly used resource types below for a list of supported resource types.
timeout ENDOR_API_TIMEOUT Set the timeout limit for the command. The default is 20s, but larger or more complex requests might need additional time, which might lead to a “context deadline exceeded” error.
uuid ENDOR_API_UUID Specify the UUID of the resource that you want to interact with.

Commonly used resource types

The following table lists resource types that are commonly used in the API. For more information, see the resource kind documentation.

Resource Kind Description
Project A project represents a configuration for ingesting source control repositories. List all projects by calling endorctl api list -r Project.
Repository A repository represents information about a source control repository where source code is hosted. List all repositories for a project by filtering on meta.parent_uuid==<project-uuid>.
RepositoryVersion A repository version represents information about a specific version of code in source control, such as commit SHAs, tags or branches. List all repository versions for a project by filtering on meta.parent_uuid==<project-uuid>.
PackageVersion A package version represents information about a named version of a package. List all package versions for a project by filtering on spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid>.
DependencyMetadata A dependency metadata object represents the relationship between the root package version (importer) and a given dependency. List all dependency metadata objects for a project by filtering on spec.importer_data.project_uuid==<project-uuid>.
Metric A metric object contains the output of a given analytic. List all metric objects for a project by filtering on spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid>.
Finding A finding represents a result of an evaluation method used to evaluate code against a rule. List all findings for a project by filtering on spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid>.
ScanResult A scan result contains metadata about a particular scan (configuration, results etc.). List all scan results for a project by filtering on meta.parent_uuid==<project-uuid>.
AuthorizationPolicy An authorization policy represents a policy for access control. List all authorization policies by calling endorctl api list -r AuthorizationPolicy.

2.1.1 - create

Use the create command to create a specified resource through the API


The endorctl api create command creates an object of a specified resource type.

endorctl api create -r [resource] [flags]

Interactive Mode

  • Use --interactive or -i to create an object with an interactive code editor.
    • Define your editor using export EDITOR=<editor> where the editor is defined as the command used to edit files. For example, export EDITOR=vi allows you to edit in vi and export EDITOR=code opens the file with the code command in VS Code.


To create a package manager integration that uses the repository for dependency resolution in Python with the top priority for dependency resolution use the following command:

endorctl api create -r PackageManager \
    --data '{"meta":{"name":"pypi PackageManager"},"spec":{"pypi":{"url":" ","priority":0}}}'

2.1.2 - delete

Use the delete command to delete a specified resource through the API


The endorctl api delete command deletes a given object of a specified resource type.

endorctl api delete -r [resource] [flags]


Use the following command to delete the project with the UUID, ‘62aa1cfadfa47d9ccb754d22’, that is no longer needed.

endorctl api delete -r Project --uuid 62aa1cfadfa47d9ccb754d22

2.1.3 - get

Use the get command to retrieve a specified resource through the API


The endorctl api get command retrieves a given object of a specified resource type.

endorctl api get -r [resource] [flags]


  • Get a specific project by its UUID:
endorctl api get -r Project --uuid <UUID>
  • Get a specific package version:
endorctl api get --resource "PackageVersion" --name "<ecosystem>://<name>@<version>"

2.1.4 - list

Use the list command to retrieve a filtered or unfiltered list of a specified resource through the API


The endorctl api list command lists all objects of a specified resource type, based on the specified filters, field-masks and/or other options.

endorctl api list -r [resource] [flags]

Flags and variables

The endorctl api list command supports the following additional flags and environment variables:

Flag Environment Variable Description
count ENDOR_API_COUNT Get the number of items in the list.
filter ENDOR_API_FILTER Specify query parameters used to filter resources.
group-aggregation-paths ENDOR_API_GROUP_AGGREGATION_PATHS Specify one or more fields to group resources by.
group-show-aggregation-uuids ENDOR_API_GROUP_SHOW_AGGREGATION_UUIDS Get the uuids of the resources in each group as specified by --group-aggregation-paths.
group-unique-count-paths ENDOR_API_GROUP_UNIQUE_COUNT_PATHS Count the number of unique values, for these fields, in the group.
group-unique-value-paths ENDOR_API_GROUP_UNIQUE_VALUE_PATHS Get the unique values, for these fields, in the group.
list-all ENDOR_API_LIST_ALL List all resources (use -t/--timeout to increase timeout for big queries).
page-id ENDOR_API_PAGE_ID Set the page id to start from.
page-size ENDOR_API_PAGE_SIZE Set the page size to limit the number of results returned (default 100).
page-token ENDOR_API_PAGE_TOKEN Set the page token to start from.
pr-uuid ENDOR_API_PR_UUID Only list resources from a specific PR scan.
sort-order ENDOR_API_SORT_ORDER Sort resources in the specified order, ascending or descending (default ascending).
sort-path ENDOR_API_SORT_PATH Specify a field to sort resources by.
traverse ENDOR_API_TRAVERSE Get data from any child namespaces as well.


Use the --filter flag to customize your query and the --field-mask flag to limit the fields returned. For example, run the following command to list the description and the target dependency name for all findings in a given project:

endorctl api list \
  --resource Finding \
  --filter "spec.project_uuid==<uuid>" \
  --field-mask "meta.description,spec.target_dependency_package_name"

For more information on filters and field-masks, see Filters. and Masks.

Useful API commands

  • Get a count of the number of projects hosted in your Endor Labs tenant:
endorctl api list \
  --resource Project \
  --count \
  | jq -r '.count_response.count'
  • List all projects in the namespace and only return the name of each project:
endorctl api list \
  --resource Project \
  --list-all \
  --field-mask \
  | jq '.list.objects[]'
  • List all package versions at a given source code Git reference:
endorctl api list \
  --resource "PackageVersion" \
  --output-type "yaml" \
  --filter "spec.project_uuid==<uuid> and spec.source_code_reference.version.ref==<git-reference>"
  • List all direct dependencies of a specific package given its UUID.
endorctl api list \
  --resource DependencyMetadata \
  --filter "spec.importer_data.package_version_uuid==<UUID> and"
  • Return a count of findings associated with the default branch for a given project:
endorctl api list \
  --resource Finding \
  --filter "context.type==CONTEXT_TYPE_MAIN and spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid>" \
  • Return a count of unique vulnerabilities found in non-test dependencies where there is an upstream patch available and the function associated with the vulnerability is reachable in the context of the application for a given project:
endorctl api list \
  --resource Finding \
  --filter "context.type==CONTEXT_TYPE_MAIN and spec.project_uuid==<project-uuid> and spec.finding_categories contains [FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY] and spec.finding_tags contains [FINDING_TAGS_NORMAL] and spec.finding_tags contains [FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION] and spec.finding_tags contains [FINDING_TAGS_FIX_AVAILABLE]" \
  --group-aggregation-paths ""
  • Return the count of the number of scans run on the default branch since a given point in time:
endorctl api list \
  --resource ScanResult \
  --filter " and meta.create_time >= date(2023-11-14)" \

For more examples, see Use cases.

2.1.5 - update

Use the update command to update an API object.


endorctl api update -r [resource] [flags]

Interactive Mode

  • Use --interactive or -i to update an object with an interactive code editor.
    • Define your editor using export EDITOR=<editor> where the editor is defined as the command used to edit files. For example, export EDITOR=vi allows you to edit in vi and export EDITOR=code opens the file with the code command in VS Code.
    • Specify which fields you want to update using the --field-mask parameter. If this is not set, endorctl will try to update all fields.


To interactively update a project with the UUID 6549886f0dd828140b4a477b:

endorctl api update -r Project -i --uuid 6549886f0dd828140b4a477b --field-mask meta.tags

To add a tag “CrownJewel” to a project named use the following command:

endorctl api update -r Project \
  --name \
  --data "{ \"meta\": {\"tags\": [ \"CrownJewel\" ] }}" \
  --field-mask 'meta.tags'

2.2 - artifact sign

Use the artifact sign command to sign container images and build artifacts in the CI pipeline.

Use the artifact [ sign \| verify ] command to sign and verify container images and other build artifacts.


To sign an artifact, use the following command:

endorctl artifact sign --name <artifact> --source-repository-ref <ref> --certificate-oidc-issuer <issuer>

To verify a signed artifact, use the following command:

endorctl verify --name <artifact> --certificate-oidc-issuer <issuer>`

To revoke a signature, use the following command:

endorctl artifact revoke-signature --name <artifact> --source-repository-ref <ref>


You can use the following flags and environment variables:

For endorctl artifact sign

Flags Environment Variables Description
--name string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_NAME Name of the artifact. For example,
--build-config-digest string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_BUILD_CONFIG_DIGEST Specific version of top-level/initiating build instructions. For example, workflow sha.
--build-config-name ENDOR_ARTIFACT_BUILD_CONFIG_NAME Name of top-level/initiating build instructions. For example, workflow.
--certificate-oidc-issuer ENDOR_ARTIFACT_CERTIFICATE_OIDC_ISSUER Name of the OIDC issuer present in a valid certificate.
--certificate-identity ENDOR_ARTIFACT_CERTIFICATE_IDENTITY Name of the identity present in a valid certificate.
--runner-environment string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_RUNNER_ENVIRONMENT Name of platform-hosted or self-hosted infrastructure. For example, self-hosted.
--source-repository string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_SOURCE_REPOSITORY Source repository that the build was based upon. For example, org/repo.
--source-repository-digest string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIGEST Specific version of the source code that the build was based upon. For example, commit sha.
--source-repository-owner string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_OWNER Owner of the source repository that the build was based upon. For example, my-org.
--source-repository-ref string (mandatory) ENDOR_ARTIFACT_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF Source repository ref that the build run was based upon.

For endorctl artifact verify

Flags Environment Variables Description
--name <name> ENDOR_ARTIFACT_NAME The name of the artifact to verify.
--certificate-oidc-issuer <issuer> ENDOR_ARTIFACT_CERTIFICATE_OIDC_ISSUER The issuer of the OIDC certificate used for verification.

For endorctl artifact [revoke-signature ]

Flags Environment Variables Description
--name string ENDOR_ARTIFACT_NAME The name of the artifact whose signature needs to be revoked.
--source-repository-ref string (mandatory) ENDOR_ARTIFACT_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF Reference to the source repository of the artifact.

2.3 - completion

Use the completion command to get a command completion script for a specified command shell

The completion command for endorctl outputs a completion script that may be added to your local environment. Once run this script will enable tab autocompletion for endorctl.

Supported command completion environments are Zsh, PowerShell, bash and fish.

Command completion for Zsh shells

To enable command completion for a macOS based Zsh environment:

echo "source $(endorctl completion zsh)" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

Command completion for bash shells

To enable command completion for a Linux bash based shell:

echo "source $(endorctl completion zsh)" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

Command completion for PowerShell

To load completions in your current shell session:

endorctl completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your PowerShell profile.

Command completion for Fish shells

To load completions in your current shell session:

endorctl completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once:

endorctl completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


There are no flags that apply to endorctl completion.

2.4 - help

Use the help command to get command help for endorctl.

The help command lists all available commands for endorctl scan.


endorctl help


endorctl help
Endorctl is a command-line tool that allows you to scan and monitor your projects, import and export SBOMs, and interact with the API. Using endorctl you can connect to your Endor Labs tenant and integrate it into your CI pipeline.

  endorctl [flags]
  endorctl [command]

Available Commands:
  api         Interact with the Endor Labs API
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  host-check  Validate host machine environment and configuration
  init        Initialize or reinitialize endorctl
  recommend   Recommendations for dependency maintenance
  sbom        SBOM operations
  scan        Scan a source code repository
  sync-org    Sync GitHub repositories for a specified organization
  validate    Validate a policy

  -a, --api string                   Set the API URL for the Endor Labs Application (default "")
      --api-key string               Set the API key used to authenticate with Endor Labs
      --api-secret string            Set the secret corresponding to the API key used to authenticate with Endor Labs
      --aws-role-arn string          Set the target role ARN for AWS based authentication. AWS authentication is only enabled if this flag is set
      --bypass-host-check            Bypass the check that verifies that the host machine is correctly setup to use endorctl
      --config-path string           Set the local filesystem path to the endor config directory containing your endor environment variables
      --enable-github-action-token   Enable keyless authentication using Github action OIDC tokens
      --gcp-service-account string   Set the target service account for GCP based authentication. GCP authentication is only enabled if this flag is set
  -h, --help                         help for endorctl
      --log-level string             Set the log level (default "info")
  -n, --namespace string             Set to the namespace of the project that you are working with
      --token string                 Set the authentication token used to authenticate with Endor Labs
      --verbose                      Enable verbose logging
  -v, --version                      version for endorctl

Use "endorctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

2.5 - host-check

Use the host check command to verify if your system is appropriately setup to perform a scan.

The command endorctl host-check allows you to quickly verify if your system is setup with the appropriate tools to perform a successful scan.


To verify that your local host is appropriately configured to scan a given repository:

  1. Clone the repository you’d like to verify system setup for. The following instructions should be updated to the repository of your selection.

     git clone
  2. Navigate to the root of the repository you’ve cloned:

     cd ./app-java-demo
  3. Run the host check command:

     endorctl host-check

To verify that your local host is appropriately configured with AI recommendations on how to address any issues perform the following procedure and add the --droid-gpt flag to the host check command:

    endorctl host-check --droid-gpt


The endorctl host-check command uses the following flags and environment variables:

Flag Environment Variable Description
auth-check-only ENDOR_HOST_CHECK_AUTH_CHECK_ONLY Validate authentication credentials only.
droid-gpt ENDOR_HOST_CHECK_DROID_GPT Use DroidGPT to generate remediation advice.
path ENDOR_HOST_CHECK_PATH Set the path to the repository to scan on the local filesystem. Example: --path=/Users/endorlabs/github/myrepo.

2.6 - init

Use the init command to authenticate to Endor Labs from a workstation with an external identity provider.

The command endorctl init allows you to quickly authenticate your client to Endor Labs using an external identity provider.

Supported authentication providers for endorctl init are:

  • google - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with Google Workspaces as your external identity provider.
  • github - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with GitHub Cloud as your external identity provider.
  • gitlab - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with GitLab Cloud as your external identity provider.
  • email - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with an email link.
  • sso - Used to sign in with a Custom Enterprise Identity Provider, such as Okta.


To login with your supported authentication provider:

endorctl init --auth-mode=google
endorctl init --auth-mode=github
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address>
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant>

To login with your supported authentication provider in environments without a browser you can use headless mode:

endorctl init --auth-mode=google --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=github --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address> --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant> --headless-mode

Once you’ve issued the command in headless mode please navigate to an internet/browser accessible computer and follow the instructions provided in your terminal.


The following flags and environment variables are available for the init command.

Flag Environment Variable Description
auth-mode ENDOR_INIT_AUTH_MODE Set authentication method for the initialization process (github, google, gitlab, or azureadv2).
headless-mode ENDOR_INIT_HEADLESS_MODE Run authentication and initialization without opening your browser.

2.7 - sbom

Use the sbom command to import or export SBOMs to or from Endor Labs

The endorctl sbom command allows you to import or export SBOMs to or from Endor Labs.


The syntax of endorctl sbom is as follows:

endorctl sbom [subcommand] [flags]

The following subcommands are supported as part of endorctl api:

  • endorctl sbom import imports an SBOM to be managed by Endor Labs.
  • endorctl sbom export allows you to export an SBOM from Endor Labs.


Flag Environment Variable Description
format ENDOR_SBOM_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (cyclonedx, or SPDX) (default cyclonedx)

2.7.1 - export

Use the sbom export command to export an SBOM for a software package from Endor Labs.

The sbom export command allows you to export an SBOM for a specified package from Endor Labs.


To export an SBOM for a specified package version named go:// in Endor Labs.

endorctl sbom export --package-version-name=go://

To export an SBOM for a specified package version given its UUID with the UUID of “653c625cd44ec559e19349dc” to a file called “sbom.json”

endorctl sbom export --package-version-uuid=653c625cd44ec559e19349dc >> sbom.json


Flag Environment Variable Description
component-type ENDOR_SBOM_COMPONENT_TYPE Set the SBOM component type (application, or library). (default application)
output-format ENDOR_SBOM_OUTPUT_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (json, or xml) (default json).
package-version-name ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_NAME Name of the package version for which you want to generate an SBOM.
package-version-uuid ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUID The UUID of the package version for which you want to generate an SBOM.
timeout ENDOR_SBOM_TIMEOUT Set the timeout for the SBOM generation (default 30s).
with-vex ENDOR_SBOM_WITH_VEX Generate the corresponding VEX document along with the SBOM.
project-uuid ENDOR_SBOM_PROJECT_UUID The UUID of the project for which you want to generate an SBOM.
project-name ENDOR_SBOM_PROJECT_NAME Name of the project for which you want to generate an SBOM.
app-name ENDOR_SBOM_APP_NAME Name of the application/library. Required for multi-package SBOM export.
package-version-uuids ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUIDS The list of package version UUIDs to export an SBOM.

2.7.2 - import

Use the SBOM import command to import SBOMs to Endor Labs

The sbom import command allows you to import SBOMs to Endor Labs to track your third party risk.


To import an SBOM to Endor Labs use the following command:

endorctl sbom import --sbom-file-path=/path/to/your/sbom.json
endorctl sbom import --format=spdx --sbom-file-path=/path/to/your/sbom.json


Flag Environment Variable Description
format ENDOR_SBOM_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (cyclonedx, or SPDX) (default cyclonedx)
sbom-file-path ENDOR_SBOM_FILE_PATH Set the file path to the SBOM to import.

2.8 - scan

Use the scan command to perform endorctl scan.

Use the scan command to perform scans against a repository.


To perform a full scan including reachability analysis for the open source software of the packages you build in a repository and monitor the checked out version of your code run the command:

endorctl scan

To scan leaked secrets and monitor all results in the checked out version of your repository:

endorctl scan --secrets

Run the following command to perform a regular scan for leaked secrets including the dependencies:

endorctl scan --secrets --dependencies

Run the following can to scan for leaked secrets in all branches of your repository:

endorctl scan --secrets --git-logs

The above command performs a scan of the repository’s Git logs using the following logic:

  • if it is the first time the repository’s Git log history is scanned, it performs a full scan
  • a full rescan is also performed if a change has been detected to any of the rules in the namespace
  • in all other cases, the scan is incremental based on the last time a scan was performed.

In cases where any of the detected secrets has been invalidated and you would like the system to run the validators again so that the state of the secret is properly reflected in the findings page, you could force a full rescan by using the following command:

endorctl scan --secrets --force-rescan

To scan for misconfigurations in a GitHub repository (i.e

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<insert-your-github-token>
endorctl scan --github --repository-http-clone-url=

To scan for CI/CD tools run the following command:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<insert-your-github-token-with-read:org-access>
endorctl scan --tools --github

To include GitHub application data you must also set the --github flag and provide a GitHub token with read:org access.

To run a scan as a test in a pull request without monitoring the version of your code over time run the command:

endorctl scan --pr

To scan and discover GitHub action workflows in your CI/CD pipeline run the command:

endorctl scan --ghactions

Along with performing the regular dependency analysis on your repository, it discovers the GitHub actions configured in your CI/CD pipeline and maps them as GitHub action dependencies in your package.

To scan binaries and artifacts run the following command:

endorctl scan --package --path --project-name

You must provide the path of your file using --path and specify a name for your project using --project-name.

To scan and discover AI/LLM models in your repository, run the following command:

endorctl scan --ai-models --dependencies


The command endorctl scan uses the following flags and environment variables:

Bazel flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
bazel-exclude-targets ENDOR_SCAN_BAZEL_EXCLUDE_TARGETS Set this variable to exclude a list of Bazel targets included in a provided Bazel query.
bazel-include-targets ENDOR_SCAN_AS_INCLUDE_TARGETS Set this variable to scan a list of targets using Bazel. Only the specified list of targets are scanned. If you do not specify bazel-include-targets, you must identify targets using bazel-targets-query. If you specify targets, then the results from bazel-targets-query are ignored.
bazel-show-internal-targets ENDOR_SCAN_BAZEL_SHOW_INTERNAL_TARGETS Show internal targets as py_library, java_library and go_library as dependencies. Must be used together with --use-bazel.
bazel-targets-query ENDOR_SCAN_BAZEL_TARGETS Set this variable to query for a list of Bazel targets to include in a scan.
bazel-vendor-manifest-path ENDOR_SCAN_BAZEL_VENDOR_MANIFEST_PATH Set this variable to specify the path of the go.mod file if you use Bazel with Gazelle in vendored mode for Go projects.
bazel-workspace-path ENDOR_SCAN_BAZEL_WORKSPACE_PATH Set this variable to specify the path of the Bazel workspace.
use-bazel ENDOR_SCAN_USE_BAZEL Use Bazel to perform the endorctl scan.

Pull request (CI) flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
enable-pr-comments ENDOR_SCAN_ENABLE_PR_COMMENTS Publish new findings as review comments. Must be set together with --github-pr-id, --pr, and either --github-token or --scan-request-uuid. Cannot be used with --pr-baseline.
enable-remediation-action ⁠ ENDOR_SCAN_REMEDIATION_ACTION ⁠ Receive remediations for recommended version upgrades.
github-pr-id ENDOR_SCAN_GITHUB_PR_ID ⁠ Set the GitHub PR ID corresponding to the scan. Must be set together with ⁠--enable-pr-comments⁠, --pr, and either ⁠--github-token or ⁠--scan-request-uuid.
pr ENDOR_SCAN_PR Set if this is a PR scan. PR scans are not used for reporting or monitoring and should be treated as point-in-time policy and finding tests.
pr-baseline ENDOR_SCAN_PR_BASELINE Set to the Git reference that you are merging to, such as your default branch. Action policies will only flag issues that do not exist in the baseline so that developers are only alerted to issues on the current changes. For example, --pr-baseline=main.
pr-incremental ENDOR_SCAN_PR_INCREMENTAL Only scan packages with dependencies that have changed compared to the baseline scan. Must be set together with --pr-baseline or --enable-pr-comments.
scan-request-uuid ENDOR_SCAN_SCAN_REQUEST_UUID Scan the UUID that initiated this request.

Github configuration flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
github ENDOR_SCAN_GITHUB Fetch information from GitHub and generate findings for any GitHub misconfigurations (see also RSPM policies).
github-api-url GITHUB_API_URL Set the GitHub API URL used for API requests to GitHub Enterprise Cloud or GitHub Enterprise Server. This flag must be used for self-hosted source control systems such as GitHub Enterprise Server. (default
github-ca-path GITHUB_CA_PATH Set the path to the CA certificate used by GitHub Enterprise Server if it is untrusted by your system.
g, github-token GITHUB_TOKEN Set the GitHub token used to authenticate with GitHub.
repository-http-clone-url ENDOR_SCAN_GITHUB_REPOSITORY_HTTP_CLONE_URL Set the GitHub repository HTTP clone URL for --github scans.

Call graph flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
build ENDOR_SCAN_BUILD Enable the scan to build the project if needed.
call-graph-languages ENDOR_SCAN_CALLGRAPH_LANGUAGES Set programming languages for call graph generation. Supported languages are c#, go, java, javascript, kotlin, python, rust, scala, typescript. By default, the call graphs are generated for c#, go, java, javascript, kotlin, python, rust, scala, typescript.
disable-private-package-analysis ENDOR_SCAN_DISABLE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_ANALYSIS Disable the call graph analysis of private dependencies that are not part of the repository.
quick-scan ENDOR_SCAN_QUICK_SCAN Perform a quick scan without call graph generation.

Policy flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
exit-on-policy-warning ENDOR_SCAN_EXIT_ON_POLICY_WARNING Return a non-zero exit code if there are policy violation warnings.

Secrets scan flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
force-rescan ENDOR_SCAN_FORCE_RESCAN Force a full rescan of the historical Git logs for all branches in the repository. Must be used together with --secrets.
git-logs ENDOR_SCAN_GIT_LOGS Audit the historical Git logs of the repository for all branches in the repository. Must be used together with --secrets.
local ENDOR_SCAN_LOCAL Scan the local filesystem. Must be used together with --secrets.
pre-commit-checks ENDOR_SCAN_PRE_COMMIT_CHECKS Perform Git pre-commit checks on the changeset about to be committed. Must be used together with --secrets.
secrets ENDOR_SCAN_SECRETS Scan source code repository and generate findings for leaked secrets. See also --git-logs and --pre-commit-checks.

SAST scan flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
sast ENDOR_SCAN_SAST Scan for weaknesses in your source code based on the enabled rules and generate results based on the configured finding policies. See also --disable-code-snippet-storage. See SAST scan for more information.
disable-code-snippet-storage ENDOR_SCAN_DISABLE_CODE_SNIPPET_STORAGE Do not store or display the source code related to a finding.

Sandbox flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
install-build-tools ENDOR_SCAN_INSTALL_BUILD_TOOLS Install build tools in a runtime sandbox.
use-scan-profile ENDOR_SCAN_USE_SCAN_PROFILE Use a scan profile to run a scan in a self-contained sandbox.

Miscellaneous flags

Flag Environment Variable Description
ai-models ENDOR_SCAN_AI_MODELS Scan source code repository and discover usage of OSS AI models.
as-default-branch ENDOR_SCAN_AS_DEFAULT_BRANCH Set this as the default branch.
container ENDOR_SCAN_CONTAINER Set this to the container image:tag to perform a scan on containers.
container-as-ref ENDOR_SCAN_CONTAINER_AS_REF Scan container in a persistent context and keep the version. Use the --project-name argument to specify the name of the project and --path argument to specify its path.
dependencies ENDOR_SCAN_DEPENDENCIES Scan Git commits and generate findings for all dependencies.
detached-ref-name ENDOR_SCAN_DETACHED_REF_NAME Set the name of the Git reference to a user-provided name. Example: --detached-ref-name="$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH". Use with CI environments that checkout commits, such as GitLab.
droid-gpt ENDOR_SCAN_DROID_GPT Use DroidGPT to interpret build errors and generate remediation advice.
exclude-path ENDOR_SCAN_EXCLUDE_PATH Specify one or more file paths or directories to exclude from the scan using Glob style expressions. For example, --exclude-path="src/java/**" will exclude all files under src/java, including any sub-directories, while --exclude-path="src/java/*" will only exclude the files directly under src/java. Paths must be relative to the root of the repository. Use quotes to ensure that your shell does not expand wild cards.
finding-tags ENDOR_SCAN_FINDING_TAGS Specify a list of user-defined tags to add to findings generated for objects in this scan scope. Use in combination with options such as --include-path or --exclude-path. Finding tags can be used to search and filter findings later.
ghactions ENDOR_SCAN_GHACTIONS Scan and discover GitHub action workflows in your CI/CD pipeline.
include-path ENDOR_SCAN_INCLUDE_PATH Limit the scan to the specified file paths or directories using Glob style expressions. For example, --include-path="src/java/**" will scan all the files under src/java, including any sub-directories, while --include-path="src/java/*" will only include the files directly under src/java. Paths must be relative to the root of the repository. Use quotes to ensure that your shell does not expand wild cards.
l , languages ENDOR_SCAN_LANGUAGES Set programming languages to scan. Used to limit scan to specific languages.
o , output-type ENDOR_SCAN_SUMMARY_OUTPUT_TYPE Set output format (json, yaml, table, or summary). Use summary to only display policy violations and not all findings (default table).
package ENDOR_SCAN_PACKAGE Scan binaries and artifacts. You must provide the path of your file using --path and specify a name for your project using --project-name parameters.
p , path ENDOR_SCAN_PATH Set the path to the repository to scan on the local filesystem. Example: --path=/Users/endorlabs/github/myrepo.
project-name ENDOR_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME Give a name for the project while scanning binaries and artifacts. It is used with the --package parameter.
project-tags ENDOR_SCAN_PROJECT_TAGS Specify a list of user-defined tags to add to this project.
registries ENDOR_SCAN_REGISTRIES Registries that must be used in addition to public or namespace registries. Format:\"user:password@ecosystem://registry#priority\".
s , sarif-file ENDOR_SCAN_SUMMARY_SARIF_FILE Set the path to a SARIF file to save the finding result summary to.
tags ENDOR_SCAN_TAGS Specify a list of user-defined tags to add to this scan. Tags can be used to search and filter scans later.
tools ENDOR_SCAN_TOOLS Scan source code repository for CI/CD tools. To include GitHub application data you must also set the --github flag and provide a GitHub token with read:org access.
use-local-repo-cache ENDOR_SCAN_USE_LOCAL_CACHE Use the local cache for dependency resolution. Make sure that mvn install -U is successful and include mvn dependency and mvn help plugins in the local m2 cache. For Gradle complete gradle assemble --refresh-dependencies.
uuid ENDOR_SCAN_UUID Scan the specified project UUID.

2.9 - sync-org

Use the sync-org command to sync all projects in a GitHub organization to Endor Labs.

Use the endorctl sync-org command to create projects for all the unscanned repositories in your GitHub organization. This does not automatically scan the projects. It creates projects in Endor Labs, measures scan coverage across a GitHub organization, and gives you visibility into your source control repository.


To sync your GitHub organization to Endor Labs:

  • Export a GitHub token that can read all projects in your GitHub organization. To run the sync-org command you need at least repo and read:org permissions.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<insert-github-token>
  • Run the sync-org command. By default, archived repositories are skipped.
endorctl sync-org --name=endorlabs


The endorctl sync-org command uses the following flags and environment variables:

Flag Environment Variable Description
archived ENDOR_SYNC_ORG_ARCHIVED Include archived repositories.
github-api-url ENDOR_SYNC_ORG_GITHUB_API_URL Set the URL for API requests to GitHub Enterprise Cloud or GitHub Enterprise Server (default
name ENDOR_SYNC_ORG_NAME Set the full name of the organization. Example: endorlabs
platform-source ENDOR_SYNC_ORG_PLATFORM_SOURCE Set the platform source (default github).
uuid ENDOR_SYNC_ORG_UUID Set the UUID of the GitHub installation.

2.10 - toolchains

Use the toolchains command to detect the tools in your repository and create a scan profile.

Use the endorctl toolchains command to detect the current tools used in your repository. You can also create a scan profile.


  • Use the help argument to see the options associated with toolchains command.
endorctl toolchains --help

Detect tools in your repository

Use endorctl detect to identify the tools currently used in your repository. The following arguments can help you refine your scan:

  • Use the -p argument to define the local filesystem path to the repository you want to scan.
endorctl toolchains detect -p <path_to_repository>
  • Use the --exclude-path argument to exclude specific file paths or directories.
endorctl toolchains detect -p <path_to_repository> --exclude-path 'python/**'
  • Use the --include-path argument to limit the scan to a specific file path or directory.
endorctl toolchains detect -p <path_to_repository> --include-path 'developement/**'

Create a scan profile

Use endorctl generate to create a scan profile. See Manage build tools for more details.

  • Use the profile-name argument to assign a name to your profile. This command creates a .endorctl/scanprofile.yaml file with the tools in the repository.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository>  --profile-name <profile-name>
  • Use the output-type argument to specify the format of the output file.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository> --profile-name <profile-name> --output-type <output-type>
  • Use the --output-path argument to set the location where the output file will be saved.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository> --profile-name <profile-name> --output-type json --output-path <output-path>
  • Use the --create-profile argument to create and save the scan profile using the specified options.
endorctl toolchains generate -p <path_to_repository> --profile-name <profile-name> --create-profile


The endorctl toolchains command uses the following flags and environment variables:

Flag Environment Variable Description
create-profile ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_CREATE_PROFILE Creates and saves the scan profile.
profile-name ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_PROFILE_NAME Set the name of the scan profile, for example development-profile
output-type ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_OUTPUT_TYPE Set the type of output, for example, use json to generate a json file with tool information for your profile.
output-path ENDOR_TOOLCHAINS_OUTPUT_PATH Set the location to save the output file, for example, /Desktop/output.json

2.11 - validate policy

Use this command to validate policies


Use the command endorctl validate policy to validate one or more policies against data from one or more projects. If the policy is valid, the command returns all matches for the given projects, in the requested format, with the corresponding exit code.

endorctl validate policy [policies] [flags]

Flags and variables

The endorctl validate policy command uses the following flags and environment variables:

Flag Environment Variable Description
all-releases ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_ALL_RELEASES Load data from all official releases of the project.
filter ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_PROJECT_FILTER Filter projects to load data from. For example, "meta.tags contains sanity".
input ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_INPUT_FILE_PATH Path to a json file containing the input parameter values, if applicable. Input parameters are sometimes used for policy templates.
output-type ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_SUMMARY_OUTPUT_TYPE Set output format (json, yaml, or table) (default table).
policy ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_FILE_PATH Path to a file containing the policies to be validated. Supported formats: Text (plain Rego rules), json (one or more policies), or yaml (one or more policies or policy templates).
policy-uuid ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_UUID UUIDs of policies to be validated.
pr-baseline ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_PR_BASELINE Name of the baseline version from which to load data. For example, main.
pr-uuid ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_PR_UUID PR scan from which to load data.
query ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_QUERY_STATEMENTS Query statements for this policy (for example, data.packagename.match_finding). This option is only needed for plain text Rego rules.
resource-kinds ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_RESOURCE_KINDS Resource kinds required by this policy (for example, PackageVersion,Metric). This option is only needed for plain text Rego rules.
uuid ENDOR_VALIDATE_POLICY_PROJECT_UUID UUID of the project from which to load data.

Specify one or more policies

Use one of the following formats to specify one or more policies:

Input format Description
Plain text Rego Provide the file path to a file containing just the Rego rules. The query statement is provided as a separate parameter. For example, endorctl validate policy --policy policy.txt --query data.example.match_package_version_score.
json Provide the file path to a json file containing one or more Policy objects (see Policy, Policies, and ListPoliciesResponse). For example, endorctl validate policy --policy policy.json.
yaml Provide the file path to a yaml file containing one or more policy or policy template definitions (see Policies and PolicyTemplates). For example, endorctl validate policy --policy policy.yaml.
UUID Provide one or more UUIDs of existing Policy objects. For example, endorctl validate policy --policy-uuid 6418dc7a55afcfb7b0d0e025.

Specify a project or a project filter

Use one of the following formats to specify one or more projects from which to load data:

Input format Description
Filter Load data from all projects matching a given filter. For example, endorctl validate policy --policy policy.rego --query data.example.match_package_version_score --filter "meta.tags contains release".
UUID Provide the UUID of the project from which to load data. For example, endorctl validate policy --policy-uuid 6418dc7a55afcfb7b0d0e025 --uuid 6699c827cd89accb3a017536.
PR UUID Provide the UUID of a PR from which to load data. Add the baseline version name to match only new findings. For example, endorctl validate policy --policy-uuid 6418dc7a55afcfb7b0d0e025 --uuid 6699c827cd89accb3a017536 --pr-uuid 43064105-1fd7-42fe-a380-bd5e36657d39 --pr-baseline main.

Specify output format

As with the other endorctl commands, you can specify if you prefer the output as a table, or in json or yaml format. If the output format is json or yaml the matching findings are listed under "matching_findings" and the results for all other resource kinds are listed under "matching_resources".

For example, endorctl validate policy --policy-uuid 6418dc7a55afcfb7b0d0e025 --uuid 6699c827cd89accb3a017536 --output-type json.

Exit Codes

If the policy is valid and there are no matches the command returns 0. The following table lists the non-zero exit codes returned by the endorctl validate policy command:

Value Exit Code Name Description
3 ENDORCTL_RC_INVALID_ARGS An invalid argument was provided.
18 ENDORCTL_RC_POLICY_ERROR There was an error evaluating one or more policies. See log for details.
128 ENDORCTL_RC_POLICY_VIOLATION One or more policies had matching findings for the given projects.

For a complete list of endorctl exit codes, see endorctl CLI exit codes.


Below is an example on how to verify that a Rego policy is correctly formatted.

  1. First, define a Rego policy. Let’s take the example policy below that searches for dependencies with an Endor Labs overall score of less than 7. You can save this to a file called “test_policy.rego”.

    package example
    match_package_version_score[result] {
      some i
      data.resources.Metric[i] == "package_version_scorecard"
      data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_kind == "PackageVersion"
      data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_uuid == data.resources.PackageVersion[_].uuid
      score := data.resources.Metric[i].spec.metric_values.scorecard.score_card.overall_score
      score < 7
      result = {
        "Endor" : {
          "PackageVersion" : data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_uuid
        "Score" : sprintf("%v", [score])
  2. Next, validate that the policy is correctly formatted.

    endorctl validate policy \
      --policy test_policy.rego \
      --query data.example.match_package_version_score
  3. Add a project UUID to validate the policy against real data.

    endorctl validate policy \
      --policy test_policy.rego \
      --query data.example.match_package_version_score \
      --uuid $PROJECT_UUID \
      --output-type json > output.json
  4. Inspect the policy output.

      "matching_resources": {
        "6553132357b462874261f054": {
          "Policy 1": {
            "PackageVersion": [
                "resource_name": "pypi://astunparse@1.6.3",
                "resource_uuid": "63f599e177cf1f3d7f286ea1",
                "result": {
                  "None": [
                      "Score": "6"


  • Set --output-type to json or yaml for formatted output
  • Add the --verbose flag for detailed output
  • Set --log-level debug for more information

2.12 - recommend

Use the recommend command to suggest dependency updates that address issues across your environment.

The command endorctl recommend fetches prioritized and recommended updates to address findings across your tenant, projects, or packages. All recommendations are based on the number of issues and complexity of a given upgrade.


To recommend dependency updates across all projects in your namespace:

endorctl recommend dependency-upgrades

To recommend dependency updates across a specific project in your namespace:

  1. First, retrieve the UUID of your project. In the following example, we are retrieving the UUID of the project “” and saving it as an environment variable.
UUID=$(endorctl api list -r Project --filter=" matches" --field-mask=uuid | jq -r '.list.objects[].uuid')
  1. Execute the recommend dependency-upgrades command.
endorctl recommend dependency-upgrades --project-uuid=$UUID

To recommend dependency updates across a specific package in your namespace:

  1. Retrieve the UUID of your package version. The following example looks for a project with the name “” and saves it as an environment variable.
UUID=$(endorctl api list -r PackageVersion --filter=" AND context.type==CONTEXT_TYPE_MAIN" --field-mask=uuid | jq -r '.list.objects[].uuid')
  1. Execute the recommend dependency-upgrades command
endorctl recommend dependency-upgrades --package-version-uuid=$UUID


The following flags and environment variables are available for the init command.

Flag Environment Variable Description
package-version-uuid ENDOR_RECOMMEND_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUID Set the UUID of the package version for which you want to recommend dependency upgrades.
project-uuid ENDOR_RECOMMEND_PROJECT_UUID Set to the UUID of the project to recommend dependency upgrades for.
persist N/A Enable to persist upgrade recommendations to Endor Labs.

3 - Global flags and environment variables

Use global flags and environment variables to customize and configure endorctl.

Every command-line flag has a corresponding environment variable that can be set instead of the flag, either directly in your environment or in a dedicated configuration file.

See config-path description in Global Flags and Variables and Set environment variables for details.

To set a command-line flag on the endorctl scan command you can specify the flag with a leading -- for full flag names or a leading - for short flag aliases. If applicable, input arguments are specified after the flag and separated from it with either a blank space or a = character. For example, to set the output-type specify --output-type json or -o=json. If the input argument is a list, then the list elements are separated by a , character, for example --languages=go,python.

Global flags and variables

The following Global flags are supported and configurable for any endorctl command:

Flag Environment Variable Description
api ENDOR_API Set the API URL for the Endor Labs Application (default
api-key ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_KEY Set the API key used to authenticate with Endor Labs.
api-secret ENDOR_API_CREDENTIALS_SECRET Set the secret corresponding to the API key used to authenticate with Endor Labs.
aws-role-arn ENDOR_AWS_CREDENTIALS_ROLE_ARN Set the target role ARN for AWS based authentication. AWS authentication is only enabled if this flag is set. See our AWS Keyless Authentication Docs for details.
bypass-host-check ENDOR_BYPASS_HOST_CHECK Bypass the check that verifies that the host machine is correctly setup to use endorctl.
config-path ENDOR_CONFIG_PATH Set the local file system path to the Endor Labs config directory containing your Endor Labs environment variables. By default, set to $HOME/.endorctl/config.yaml.
enable-azure-managed-identity ENDOR_AZURE_CREDENTIALS_MANAGED_IDENTITY_ENABLE Enable keyless authentication using Azure VM managed identity system tokens.
enable-github-action-token ENDOR_GITHUB_ACTION_TOKEN_ENABLE Enable keyless authentication using GitHub Action OIDC tokens. See the GitHub documentation on configuring OpenID Connect in cloud providers for details.
gcp-service-account ENDOR_GCP_CREDENTIALS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT Set the target service account for GCP based authentication. GCP authentication is only enabled if this flag is set.
log-level ENDOR_LOG_LEVEL Set the log level. Set to debug for debug logs. See also the --verbose flag.
namespace ENDOR_NAMESPACE Set to the namespace of the project that you are working with.
token ENDOR_TOKEN Set the authentication token used to authenticate with Endor Labs.
verbose ENDOR_LOG_VERBOSE Enable verbose logging.
version Not applicable Display the endorctl client version.
Not applicable ENDOR_JS_ENABLE_TSSERVER Set this environment variable to true to view call graphs for JavaScript/TypeScript projects.

Set endorctl environment variables

To set an environment variable run the following command:

export <environment variable>=<value>

For example to set the environment variable ENDOR_TOKEN to “mytoken” run the following command:

export ENDOR_TOKEN=mytoken