Scanning capabilities
With the Endor Labs GitHub App, you can enhance the security of your repository through the following types of scans.
Scan complete repository
The Endor Labs GitHub App automatically scans your repositories every 24 hours for potential security issues and operational risks, providing up-to-date information about your projects’ security posture.
- You can use the GitHub App to selectively scan your repositories for Software Composition Analysis (SCA), secrets, Repository Security Posture Management (RSPM), or CI/CD tools.
- While the automated scan happens every 24 hours, you can manually trigger a rescan outside this schedule from the Endor Labs user interface. See Rescan projects.
- After each scan, the GitHub App reports any new findings or changes to release versions of your code. Review the scan results from the Endor Labs user interface.
Scan PRs
After scanning the complete repository, it’s important to address the pull requests submitted by users. Administrators can enable a fully automated scanning process for all pull requests and merges initiated into the main branch.
To automatically scan the PRs, set the pull request preferences during the installing of the GitHub App or edit the integration preferences afterwards.
Whenever a PR is created against a repository, the Endor Labs GitHub App performs an incremental scan to detect any changes in resolved dependencies that may introduce new vulnerabilities. These incremental scans are CI runs and are not monitored. You can see the results of the scan on GitHub.
Based on your prefrences, it performs a quick scan or a full scan before merging the PRs into the main branch.
- Quick Scan performs dependency resolution but does not conduct reachability analysis to prioritize vulnerabilities. The quick scan enables users to swiftly identify potential vulnerabilities in dependencies, ensuring a smoother and more secure merge into the main branch.
- Full Scan performs dependency resolution, reachability analysis, and generate call graphs for supported languages and ecosystems. This scan enables users to get complete visibility and identifies all issues related to dependencies and call graph generation, before merging into the main branch. Full scans may take longer to complete, potentially delaying PR merges.
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