Deploy Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro)
Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro) is an enhanced version of the Endor Labs GitHub App that supports PR remediation to fix vulnerabilities. See PR remediation for more information.
GitHub App (Pro) App supports projects in Java (with Gradle or Maven), Go (version 1.18 and higher), and JavaScript for PR remediation. You cannot have both GitHub App and GitHub App (Pro) simultaneously in your environment.Prerequisites for GitHub App (Pro)
Before installing and scanning projects with Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro), make sure you have:
- Administrative permissions to your GitHub organization. Installing the Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro) in your organization requires approval or permissions from your GitHub organizational administrator. If you don’t have the permissions, use the command line utility,
, while you wait for the approval. - Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro) requires the following permissions:
- Read access to Dependabot alerts, actions, administration, checks, code, commit statuses, issues, metadata, packages, pull requests, repository hooks, and security events.
- Read and write access to checks, contents, and pull requests.
Install GitHub App (Pro)
To automatically scan repositories using the GitHub App and create automatic PRs to fix vulnerabilities:
Sign in to Endor Labs.
From the left sidebar, choose Projects and click Add Project.
From GITHUB, choose GitHub App
Select Enable Automated Pull Requests.
Click Install GitHub App (Pro).
You will be redirected to GitHub to install the Endor Labs App (Pro).
Click Install.
Select a user to authorize the app.
Select the organization in which you want to install the app.
Select whether to install and authorize Endor Labs on all your repositories or select the specific repositories that you wish to scan.
Review the permissions required for Endor Labs and click Install and Authorize.
If the button to install says Install and Request instead of Install and Authorize, you don’t have permission to install the GitHub App. Use the endorctl command line interface or select Install and Request to notify your organizational administrator of your request to install. -
Choose a namespace and click Next.
Based on your license, select and enable the scanners.
The following scanners are available:
- SCA: Perform software composition analysis.
- RSPM: Scan the repository for misconfigurations.
- Secret: Scan the repository for exposed secrets.
- CI/CD: Scan the repository and identify all the CI/CD tools used in the repository.
- SAST: Scan your source code for weakness and generate SAST findings.
- AI Models: Scan your repository and discover AI models in your source code.
Select PULL REQUEST SCANS to set preferences for scanning pull requests submitted by users.
Select Pull Request Comments to enable GitHub Actions to comment on PRs for policy violations.
Select Include Archived Repositories to scan your archived repositories. By default, the GitHub archived repositories aren’t scanned.
In Define Scanning Preferences, select either:
Quick Scan to gain rapid visibility into your software composition. It performs dependency resolution but does not conduct reachability analysis to prioritize vulnerabilities. The quick scan enables users to swiftly identify potential vulnerabilities in dependencies, ensuring a smoother and more secure merge into the main branch.
Full Scan to perform dependency resolution, reachability analysis, and generate call graphs for supported languages and ecosystems. This scan enables users to get complete visibility and identifies all issues dependencies, call graph generation before merging into the main branch. Full scans may take longer to complete, potentially delaying PR merges.
See GitHub scan options for more information on the scans that you can do with the GitHub App.
Click Continue. You have successfully installed the GitHub App (Pro).
Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro) scans your repositories every 24 hours and reports any new findings or changes to release versions of your code. It can also raise a PR with a fix based on your remediation policy. Ensure that you configure automated PR scans in your environment. See Automated PR scans for more information.
Manage GitHub Apps on Endor Labs
You can edit or delete the GitHub App integrations.
Edit GitHub App (Pro)
To edit the GitHub App integration:
- Sign in to Endor Labs.
- Select Manage > Integrations from the left sidebar.
- Click Manage next to GitHub under Source Control Managers.
- Click the three verticals dots on the right side of the GitHub App (Pro) that you want to edit, and select Edit Integration.
- Based on your license, select and enable from the available list of scanners. You can also choose to update the pull request scan options.
- Click Save. The changes are applicable from the next scanning cycle.
- Use Reset to clear your selection.
Migrate GitHub App
You cannot have both GitHub App and GitHub App (Pro) simultaneously in your environment. When you migrate from one app to the other, select the same set of repositories as before to preserve the currently scanned projects and findings after the migration.You can migrate your GitHub App (Pro) to standard GitHub App (or from standard to Pro).
Sign in to Endor Labs.
Select Manage > Integrations from the left sidebar.
Click Manage next to GitHub under Source Control Managers.
Click the three vertical dots on the right side of the GitHub App (Pro) that you want to edit, and select Migrate To Standard App.
Click Migrate.
You will be redirected to GitHub.
Click Configure.
Select a user to authorize the app.
Select Configure in the organization in which you want to migrate the app.
Select whether to install and authorize Endor Labs on all your repositories or select the specific repositories that you wish to scan.
When you migrate from one app to the other, select the same set of repositories as before to preserve the currently scanned projects and findings after the migration. -
Choose the namespace and click Next.
You must choose the same namespace as your existing GitHub App installation. -
Select and enable the scanners you require.
Select the preferences for scanning pull requests, if required.
Click Continue.
Delete GitHub App (Pro)
To delete a GitHub App integration, click the three vertical dots on the right side, and select Delete Integration.
You are to taken to the GitHub App page, where you can uninstall the app from your GitHub organization.
Manually trigger scans
To manually trigger a scan, click Rescan Org. Endor Labs GitHub App scans your repositories every 24 hours, use Rescan Org to manually schedule outside the 24-hour period.
Add more GitHub repositories
Click Scan More Repositories to go to Projects page, from which you can add more repositories to scan through the GitHub App.
Set up package repositories
You can improve your experience with the GitHub App by setting up package repositories. This will help you create a complete bill of materials and perform static analysis. Without setting package repositories, you may not be able to get an accurate bill of materials. See Set up package manager integration for more information.
Technical limitations of the GitHub App (Pro)
The Endor Labs GitHub App (Pro) has the same limitations as the GitHub App. See Limitations for more information.
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