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Keyless authentication for Azure

Learn how to implement keyless authentication for Azure.

To enable keyless authentication in Azure, you need to configure your Azure virtual machine with a managed identity and create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.

Complete the following tasks to set up keyless authentication in Azure.

  1. Enable Azure Managed Identity for the virtual machine in the Azure Portal.
  2. Configure the Azure virtual machine.
  3. Create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.

Enable Azure managed identity

You must enable Azure Managed Identity for your virtual machine from the Azure portal. For more information, refer to Azure managed identity.

Configure the Azure virtual machine

You need to configure the Azure virtual machine with endorctl and configure endorctl to use Azure Managed Identify.

Verify the connection to the Azure virtual machine instance

Log in to your Azure virtual machine and run the following command.

curl -s -H Metadata:true ""

The command returns the metadata details of the virtual machine instance in the raw json format.

Download endorctl on the virtual machine instance

Download and install the latest version of endorctl in your virtual machine. See endorctl for the various methods available to install endorctl.

The following example shows how you can download the endorctl binary directly.

## Download the latest CLI for Windows AMD64
curl -O
## Check the expected checksum of the binary file
## Verify the expected checksum and the actual checksum of the binary match
certutil -hashfile .\endorctl_windows_amd64.exe SHA256
## Rename the binary file
ren endorctl_windows_amd64.exe endorctl.exe

Set the environment variable

Set the environment variable ENDOR_AZURE_CREDENTIALS_MANAGED_IDENTITY_ENABLE to true in your virtual machine instance.


Run the following command to check the status of the environment variable.


If the variable is set, then the command returns true.

Create an authorization policy in Endor Labs

Create an authorization policy for Azure in the Endor Labs user interface. See set up authorization policy for more information on creation an authorization policy.

Choose the following parameters when you create the authorization policy.

  • Select Azure as the Identity Provider.

  • Select Code Scanner in Permissions.

  • Enter the following values for the claims:

    • Tenant ID: Identifies your Azure organization.
    • App ID: Identifies the application requesting access.
    • Object ID: Unique ID assigned to the virtual machine.
    • Subscriptions: Azure subscriptions linked to the identity.

azure authorization policy

Test keyless authentication

Once the authorization policy is set up, you can test keyless authentication using endorctl.

For example, run the following command to fetch the number of projects in a namespace with keyless authentication set up.

endorctl api list -r Project -n demo --enable-azure-managed-identity --count

The following example shows the response for the preceding command when keyless authentication is successful.

  "count_response": {
    "count": 3

You’ve set up and configured keyless authentication. Now you can run a test scan to ensure you can successfully scan projects using keyless authentication with Azure.