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Set up keyless authentication

Learn how to implement keyless authentication for CI environments.

At Endor Labs, we believe that the most secure secret is one that doesn’t exist. That’s why in CI/CD environments we recommend using keyless authentication for machine authentication. Keyless Authentication uses OAuth for API authentication and removes the need to maintain and rotate an API key to Endor Labs.

Keyless Authentication is more secure and reduces the cost of secret rotation.

Configure keyless authentication using:

1 - Keyless authentication in AWS

Learn how to implement keyless authentication for AWS.

To enable keyless authentication in AWS you’ll first need permissions to create or modify the following roles and an instance profile with the appropriate roles configured.

  1. An instance access role - The instance access role is assigned to the compute resource, which needs to access Endor Labs. Your instance access role may already exist and you must ensure this role provides the permissions to allow the role to assume the role of a dedicated federation role.
  2. A dedicated federation role - The dedicated federation role should have no permissions in AWS. Endor Labs will authorize requests that come from this role.

Perform the following steps to configure keyless authentication in AWS.

  1. [Create or modify an existing Instance Profile that may be used to assign a role to your EC2 instance.](#create-or-select-an-instance-profile)
  2. Create or modify a role an instance access role, which enables services to assume a dedicated federation role.
  3. Assign this role to the instance profile.
  4. Create a dedicated federation role to provide access to Endor Labs, which will be assumed by the instance access role.
  5. Create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.
  6. Test keyless authentication.

Create or select an instance profile

An instance profile allows users to attach a single role to an EC2 instance. If you do not already have a pre-defined role or instance profile used by your EC2 instances you should create an instance profile for Endor Labs access.

To create an instance profile using the AWS CLI:

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name EndorLabsAccessProfile

Create or modify an instance access role

To successfully authenticate to Endor Labs you will need to assign an instance access role to the instance profile you created above.

The instance access role must at a minimum allow the compute resources that require access to perform the action sts:AssumeRole. If you already have a role you intend to assign to your instance profile, ensure that it has permissions to allow your compute resources to perform this action.

If you do not have an existing role you intend to use, create the role named endorlabs-instance-access-role using the instructions below.

Add the following json to a file called endorlabs-instance-access-role.json

cat > endorlabs-instance-access-role.json <<EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": [
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Use this file to create your instance access role using the following command:

aws iam create-role --role-name endorlabs-instance-access-role --assume-role-policy-document file://endorlabs-instance-access-role.json

Assign instance access role to the instance profile

Next, ensure that the instance access role is assigned to the instance profile using the following command:

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name EndorLabsAccessProfile --role-name endorlabs-instance-access-role

Finally, create your EC2 instance and ensure that your instance profile is assigned to it.

Create a dedicated federation role

A dedicated federation role is leveraged to provide a least privileged role that enables access to Endor Labs. This role is designed to be assumed only by specific other roles and does not provide access to AWS resources.

To create your federation role you will need the name and AWS account number of the instance access role, which should look similar to the following policy json:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::$ACCOUNT:role/$ROLE_NAME"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

First, get the account number of the role:

export ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r '.Account')

Then define the name of the instance access role. For the following example, we will assume it is endorlabs-instance-access-role.

export ROLE_NAME=endorlabs-instance-access-role

Next, create the IAM policy document.

cat > endorlabs-federation-aws-role.json << EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
              "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT}:role/${ROLE_NAME}"
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Next, apply the policy document as a role:

aws iam create-role --role-name endorlabs-federation --assume-role-policy-document file://endorlabs-federation-aws-role.json

Finally, fetch the ARN of the IAM role you’ve created using the following command and create an authorization policy for it in Endor Labs.

To fetch the ARN of the Endor Labs federation role use the following command:

aws iam list-roles | jq -r '.Roles[] | select(.Arn|contains("endorlabs-federation"))'.Arn

Create an authorization policy in Endor Labs

Create an authorization policy in the Endor Labs user interface by following these steps:

  1. Login to Endor Labs as an administrator.
  2. Under Manage, navigate to Access Control > Auth Policy
  3. Click Add Auth Policy
  4. Under Identity Provider Select AWS role
  5. Provide the appropriate permissions for your authorization policy.
  6. Under claims use the Key User and the value of the ARN that you fetched in the previous command.
  7. Click Save Auth Policy to finalize your keyless authentication setup.

Test keyless authentication with AWS

On the EC2 instance you’ve configured for keyless authentication, download and install the latest version of endorctl. See our documentation for instructions on downloading the latest version

To scan with keyless authentication you must use the flag --aws-role-arn=<insert-your-arn> for federated access to Endor Labs such as in the below example:

endorctl --aws-role-arn=<insert-your-arn> api list -r Project -n <insert-your-endorlabs-tenant> --page-size=1

You’ve set up and configured keyless authentication. Now you can run a test scan to ensure you can successfully scan projects using keyless authentication with AWS.

2 - Keyless authentication for Azure

Learn how to implement keyless authentication for Azure.

To enable keyless authentication in Azure, you need to configure your Azure virtual machine with a managed identity and create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.

Complete the following tasks to set up keyless authentication in Azure.

  1. Enable Azure Managed Identity for the virtual machine in the Azure Portal.
  2. Configure the Azure virtual machine.
  3. Create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.

Enable Azure managed identity

You must enable Azure Managed Identity for your virtual machine from the Azure portal. For more information, refer to Azure managed identity.

Configure the Azure virtual machine

You need to configure the Azure virtual machine with endorctl and configure endorctl to use Azure Managed Identify.

Verify the connection to the Azure virtual machine instance

Log in to your Azure virtual machine and run the following command.

curl -s -H Metadata:true ""

The command returns the metadata details of the virtual machine instance in the raw json format.

Download endorctl on the virtual machine instance

Download and install the latest version of endorctl in your virtual machine. See endorctl for the various methods available to install endorctl.

The following example shows how you can download the endorctl binary directly.

## Download the latest CLI for Windows AMD64
curl -O
## Check the expected checksum of the binary file
## Verify the expected checksum and the actual checksum of the binary match
certutil -hashfile .\endorctl_windows_amd64.exe SHA256
## Rename the binary file
ren endorctl_windows_amd64.exe endorctl.exe

Set the environment variable

Set the environment variable ENDOR_AZURE_CREDENTIALS_MANAGED_IDENTITY_ENABLE to true in your virtual machine instance.


Run the following command to check the status of the environment variable.


If the variable is set, then the command returns true.

Create an authorization policy in Endor Labs

Create an authorization policy for Azure in the Endor Labs user interface. See set up authorization policy for more information on creation an authorization policy.

Choose the following parameters when you create the authorization policy.

  • Select Azure as the Identity Provider.

  • Select Code Scanner in Permissions.

  • Enter the following values for the claims:

    • Tenant ID: Identifies your Azure organization.
    • App ID: Identifies the application requesting access.
    • Object ID: Unique ID assigned to the virtual machine.
    • Subscriptions: Azure subscriptions linked to the identity.

azure authorization policy

Test keyless authentication

Once the authorization policy is set up, you can test keyless authentication using endorctl.

For example, run the following command to fetch the number of projects in a namespace with keyless authentication set up.

endorctl api list -r Project -n demo --enable-azure-managed-identity --count

The following example shows the response for the preceding command when keyless authentication is successful.

  "count_response": {
    "count": 3

You’ve set up and configured keyless authentication. Now you can run a test scan to ensure you can successfully scan projects using keyless authentication with Azure.

3 - Keyless authentication in Github

Learn how to implement keyless authentication in Github.

To enable Keyless Authentication for GitHub Actions, you’ll need to perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure you are using the Endor Labs GitHub Action in your GitHub workflow.
  2. Edit your GitHub Action workflow to add permission settings for the GitHub id-token
  3. Create an authorization policy for GitHub Action OIDC
  4. Test that you can successfully scan a project using Github Action OIDC

Add a GitHub Action OIDC authorization policy

To ensure that the GitHub action OIDC identity can successfully login to Endor Labs you’ll need to create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.

To create an authorization policy:

  1. Under Manage go to Access Control
  2. Navigate to the “Auth Policy” tab
  3. Click on the “Add Auth Policy” button
  4. Select “GitHub Action OIDC” as your identity provider
  5. Select the permission for the GitHub Action. This permission should be “Code Scanner”
  6. For the claim use the key user and put in a matching value that maps to the organization of your GitHub repository.

Configure your GitHub Action workflow

To configure your GitHub Action workflow with GitHub Action OIDC you can use the following example as a baseline.

The important items in this workflow are:

  1. The Usage of the Endor Labs GitHub action.
  2. Setting Job level permissions to allow writing to the GitHub id-token
name: Example Scan of OWASP Java
on: workflow_dispatch
      id-token: write # This is required for requesting the JWT
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          repository: OWASP-Benchmark/BenchmarkJava
      - name: Setup Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          distribution: 'microsoft'
          java-version: '17'
      - name: Compile Package
        run: mvn clean install
      - name: Scan with Endor Labs
        uses: endorlabs/github-action@main # This workflow uses the Endor Labs GitHub action to scan.
          namespace: 'demo'
          scan_summary_output_type: 'json'
          pr: false
          scan_secrets: true
          scan_dependencies: true

Now that you’ve successfully configured your GitHub action workflow file you can use this workflow file or one of your own designs to run a test scan using Keyless authentication for GitHub actions.

4 - Keyless authentication in Google Cloud

Learn how to implement keyless authentication in Google Cloud.

To enable Keyless Authentication in GCP you’ll first need permissions to create service accounts and assign these accounts roles to GCP.

The workflow to enable keyless authentication is:

  1. Create a service account with no permissions for federation.
  2. If you do not attach a service account to compute resources or use the default service account, we recommend creating a new service account for the compute resources. Create a service account to attach to compute resources and impersonate the federation service account.
  3. Create an authorization policy to allow the federation service account to authenticate to Endor Labs.
  4. Provision the compute resources with the appropriate permissions.
  5. Test Keyless authentication.

Create GCP service accounts and authorization policies

To create your service accounts, first export your GCP project name as an environment variable:

export PROJECT=<insert-gcp-project>

Once you’ve set the environment variable you’ll create a service account that will be used to federate access to Endor Labs and will be provided permission to access the Endor Labs APIs:

Step 1: Create a federation service account called endorlabs-federation:

gcloud iam service-accounts create endorlabs-federation --description="Endor Labs Keyless Federation Service Account" --display-name="Endor Labs Federation Service Account"

We’ll also create a second service account, that will have access to impersonate the endorlabs-federation account. We’ll call this endorlabs-compute-service.

This is needed if you don’t already have service accounts for your compute resources. If you do, you need to modify the existing permissions to allow the existing service account to create a federation token.

Step 2: Create a keyless authentication service account to assign to compute resources called endorlabs-compute-service:

gcloud iam service-accounts create endorlabs-compute-service --description="Endor Labs Service account for keyless authentication" --display-name="Endor Labs Compute Instance SA"

Finally, we’ll assign endorlabs-compute-service permissions to impersonate the endorlabs-federation account to authenticate to Endor Labs through OIDC.

Step 3: Assign the serviceAccountOpenIdTokenCreator role to the endorlabs-compute-service service account:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member="serviceAccount:endorlabs-compute-service@$" --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountOpenIdTokenCreator"

Once we’ve created the necessary account permissions we will create an authorization policy in Endor Labs to allow the account endorlabs-federation to your Endor Labs tenant:

Use the following command to create an authorization policy in Endor Labs.

Note: Make sure to replace <your-tenant> with your Endor Labs tenant name and <insert-your-project> with your GCP project name in the following command.**

endorctl api create -r AuthorizationPolicy -d '{
    "tenant_meta": { "namespace": "<your-tenant>" },
    "meta": {
        "name": "Keyless Auth",
        "kind": "AuthorizationPolicy",
        "tags": ["gcp"]
     "spec": {
        "clause": ["email=endorlabs-federation@<insert-your-project>", "gcp"],
        "target_namespaces": ["<your-tenant>"],
        "propagate": true,
        "permissions": {
            "rules": {},
            "roles": [

You’ve now set up the foundation of keyless authentication. You’ll now need to provision your compute resources with the appropriate GCP scopes and service account.

See Provisioning and Testing Keyless Authentication for GKE workloads for instructions on setting up GKE for keyless authentication.

See Provisioning and Testing Keyless Authentication for GCP Virtual Machine Instances for instructions on setting up a virtual machine instance for keyless authentication.

Provision and test keyless authentication for GKE workloads


The following prerequisites are required to setup keyless authentication on GKE workloads:


  1. (Optional) Create a GKE cluster with workload identity enabled if you do not already have a GKE cluster
  2. Authenticate to the GKE cluster
  3. (Optional) Create a namespace for Endor Labs scans
  4. Create a Kubernetes service account to impersonate your GKE compute service account
  5. Bind your Kubernetes service account to your GCP compute service account
  6. Annotate your Kubernetes service account with your GCP service account to complete your binding
  7. Test a scanning workload using keyless authentication

Set up and test keyless authentication in GKE

The following instructions require you to export the following environment variables to appropriately run:

  • The GCP Project as PROJECT
  • The GKE cluster as CLUSTER_NAME
export PROJECT=<Insert_GCP_Project>

Optional Step 1: To create a GKE cluster with workload identity enabled if you do not already have a GKE cluster with workload identity enabled run the following command:

gcloud container clusters create keyless-test --scopes

Step 2: To authenticate to your GKE cluster run the following command:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME

Optional Step 3: To create a namespace for Endor Labs scans run the following command:

kubectl create namespace endorlabs

Step 4: To create a Kubernetes service account to impersonate your GKE compute service account run the following command:

kubectl create serviceaccount endorlabs-compute-service -n endorlabs

Step 5: To bind your Kubernetes service account to your GCP compute service account run the following command:

Note: Make sure to replace <insert-your-project> in the following command with your GCP project name.

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding endorlabs-compute-service@$ --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser --member "serviceAccount:<insert-your-project>[endorlabs/endorlabs-compute-service]"

Step 6: To annotate your Kubernetes service account with your GCP service account to complete your binding run the following command:

Note: If you have created a different service account name replace endorlabs-compute-service with the appropriate service account name.

kubectl annotate serviceaccount endorlabs-compute-service -n endorlabs$

Step 7: Test scan your project with keyless authentication

You’ve set up and configured keyless authentication. Now you can run a test scan to ensure you can successfully scan projects using keyless authentication.

Provision and Test Keyless Authentication for GCP Virtual Machine Instances

The following high-level procedure describes the required steps to use keyless authentication with a GCP virtual machine instance:


  1. Create a virtual machine instance with the appropriate scopes
  2. Download and install endorctl on the virtual machine instance
  3. Launch a test scan with keyless authentication

Set up and Test Keyless authentication on a GCP virtual machine instance

The following instructions require you to export the following environment variables to appropriately run:

  • The GCP Project as PROJECT
export PROJECT=<Insert_GCP_Project>

To successfully test keyless authentication first you’ll need to provision a compute resource with the service account endorlabs-compute-service@$ and the scope

Step 1: To create a virtual machine instance with the appropriate scopes run the following command:

gcloud compute instances create test-keyless --service-account endorlabs-compute-service@$ --scopes

Step 2: To download and install endorctl on the virtual machine instance run the following series of commands:

First, SSH to the virtual machine instance you’ve created to test:

gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-west1-b" "test-keyless"  --project $PROJECT

Then download and install the latest version of endorctl. See our documentation for instructions on downloading the latest version

To scan with keyless authentication you must use the flag --gcp-service-account=endorlabs-federation@<insert-your-project> for federated access to Endor Labs such as in the below example:

endorctl api list --gcp-service-account=endorlabs-federation@<insert-your-project> -r Project -n <insert-your-tenant> --count

If this scan runs successfully you’ve tested and scanned a project with keyless authentication to Endor Labs.